Boat Build

Darin Clark

Active member
I finally started building my boat today. After much deliberation, I have decided to build a ZTW. Eventually I would like a traditional sailing BBSB, but I don't want to get in over my head at this point. I figured this will give me some building experience and a boat to hunt out of until I find a BBSB to restore or plans to build.

I didn't get far today. Actually I can't start building until the weather is good enough to move my wife's car outside. In the mean time I figured I could start getting all the pieces together. So this is what I did today. Had some issues laying out the bow piece. In order to get the width right it ended up being a little over an inch longer then the plans show. Didn't figure it will make a difference in the end. Next will be the stern.


Darin I spent a LOT of time on my build and am willing to offer any help that I can. I have quite a few picures too.

And, I am an expert at these boats, because, well I AM staying at a Holiday Inn... HEHE!

One note I see- the bow piece will take a lot of stress as you get going. You may want to glue some "perpendicular grain" wood across the grain as it stands now. As you windlass the sides and attach them to this stem piece, the forces will want to pull it apart. Maybe even some plywood?

Just a thought...

It's a good start to a loooooong, fun project!

Two and a half months later and I actually started building. Today I got the frame all set up. I need to make a run to the lumber yard to get some clear boards for the sides. I have the ribs all cut out, so I may start assembling them in the mean time.


Hi Darin -
Thanks for posting this. I bet I've read the description and studied the plans in 'Successful Waterfowling' a dozen times, so I am keen to watch you put one together.
All the best,