boat hauling stickey ???

bob welsh

Well-known member
With the season approaching and the members of this site traveling to parts unknown ,I was wondering if there was any interest in posting on the stickeys a service letting members post their destinations. This would allow boats,motors and other large items may be transported .Transaction details to be worked out off site between parties. This could be also used in the off season while on vacation or business trips or college visits. Could defray the costs of travel for one party as well as shipping costs for the other. Also a good way to meet face to face with other forum members. Might be a nice break for travelers on the road for hours on end. What do you think?

I see no reason to announce travel plans to the world. If I or any one else has a specific need, there is nothing stopping them from making a request on the general forum. This has worked well in the past and I imagine will continue to work well.

Having multiple "stickies" at the top is sometime counter productive, as over time they tend to get ignored.
I have to agree with the others. I think it would be more effective to post up, "I need a boat moved from x to x". I'm for sure not going to fill in my travel plans, but I would be happy to help someone out if I saw it and it worked out.


I see no reason to announce travel plans to the world. If I or any one else has a specific need, there is nothing stopping them from making a request on the general forum. This has worked well in the past and I imagine will continue to work I have to agree with Dave much info is no good nowadays
I see the wisdom of those that have posted. Maybe a refinement of the context protecting the parties personal info. The reason I suggested a stickey was to have a central place to go outside the regular forum where a post could be missed. All good points thanks for the round table talk.