About to start carving some for an upcoming hunt. Question is should I make them oversized by 10-15% or would I be better off with 10 normal sized ones vs 6 oversized ?
My favorite posture for Brant is the Swimmer - with the head leaning forward into the current of a falling tide as they feed. Be sure to show lots of White on the stern.
Thanks guys. I doubt I'll get 2 dozen brant made. I'm shooting for 8-10.
Also got to make a rig of Arkansas specials (green heads) for flooded timber ..planning on 18 of them
recently I was walking with the dogs on Long Islands north shore. When we got there there were two Brandt swimming just off shore near some rocks at about mid tide. The dogs nor I paid much attention to them. After being there for about a half hour or so one started to call. I looked up to see another pair heading right for them. Circled and landed close the the rock they where standing on. Doesn't take much to gain there attention for a look see.
steve i must complement you on that brant decoy , you really nailed it i have watch so many of them i see that poise like it was yesterday .will be in touch soon . wish you & your crew all the best this week end sorry i cant be there.medical issues prevent me from comming.