Brant hunting with John Livoti


Well-known member
I met John Livoti through this website and he was nice enough to allow me to tag along with my boat on a brant hunt yesterday. There aren't many brant on eastern Long Island, but I can tell you the western end is loaded with them. Unfortunately, they were pretty shy yesterday...

John also had a first time hunter out with him and I can tell you that he did everything within his power to get this guy his first bird. Some days it's just tough out there, that's why they call it duck hunting and not duck shooting.

Thank you John, for showing me around your backyard! Here are some photos of our hunt yesterday.

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John & Al in his duckboat

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Picking up the decoys

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Motoring to a new spot

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over 50 seals were hauled out

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John and Al walking the Marsh
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I'm jealous, as usual.
John's 2-man layout is awesome.
Chris, no picture of your new boat in action?
I keep telling myself to get out of the boat and take some photos of it all grassed up in the marsh, but just about then the birds start flying and I always forget!
Now that your saw his canvas whats your thoughts on getting one fitted for your boat.

If you got a change to get close to those seals please decribe the pleasent smell, for all of us to enjoy. LOL
The first time I ran into that group of seals I was motoring in the dark to the point on a nice cold winter morning.
I did not know they were there till I got to the point and shut the engine and saw the seals jumping into the water.
Then I got a wiff of that rotten fish smell!!!
I pucked my brains out right then and their.
I liked the pictures. Thanks for sharing. That west end is a nice place to hunt. Too bad the action wasn't a little better.

Glad you had a good time.
There are not many days that we don't get limit of Brant. I guess we need to have some of those days now and then to keep things interesting.
Thanks for the photos.
We will have to get together again.
Hope the first timer didn't get discouraged, those brant are fun when they cooperate. The tide looked high, in the photos, with this full moon it'll make it tough to get the cooperation. I'm going to try and get out now that the ice broke up. Hoping the duck gods send the birds into the area - north winds keep em coming.
Bill... I like the idea of the spray dodger, however on my boat with the grass wings it would limit me to hunting solo. There is no way to hunt the boat with two people and a spray dodger as with 2 men you sit sideways or on a 45 degree angle in my boat. At best I could get a spray shield made for the front of my boat which I would use while running in choppy seas, I might look into that, we'll see.
What a great setup. Looks like a very unique way of waterfowling. For me, it was strange to see the city skyline in the background.
For me, it was strange to see the city skyline in the background.

I had to chuckle at that Al. For me, I can tell what direction I am facing with my eyes closed. I just listen for the traffic noise from the nearby roads,,, sigh :>(
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Over the course of my life----starting hunting in 54, then moving to Alaska and now retired in New Mexico, I have hunted areas that just weren't inhabited by humans----sometimes for hundreds of miles. I got used to that and now yearn for that once again. Now I hear an 18 wheeler stray off onto the rumble strips of I-25. Yes, I can hear that from a distance of up to 5 miles if the wind is right. Yup, it bugs me! I know I am spoiled.