Brant on the move


Well-known member
In case anyone's interested, yesterday, Saturday 9'th. Flight after flight of Brant were moving along Long Islands South Shore. Didn't see many today so they're probably all in Jersey by now, lol.
You guys are KILLING ME! But keep the reports coming. I love gunning brant and have to wait till mid December before I get down to shore. I've added some more Burlaped herters Brant to the spread (13total), plus made Steffy 4 I think. I know I'm counting down till we get down to E.S.VA.

4? what? I don't know what he's talking about...I may need four more to replace the four you think you already gave me Gene.

All right, I confess I have four brant dekes...can't wait until December to gun over 'em!

They're going to look pretty!
I use the plastic Sportplast Brant, When Brant swim into the rig, you can barely tell them apart from the stool. I'd rather gun Brant then anything else, just something about them for me.
You know George S... the Brant dont care what decoys you have LMAO
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Gene, we hunt Brant ESVA as well. Mostly Mockhorn and Oyster. I'll call up there and get a report, let ya know. Dave
Dave, never gunned the lower half, always upper on both sides depending on what was around. I would be interest in hearing, I need to call a buddy that lives down there and check in.

Gene R.
Saw a couple of flocks on Lake Ontario over the weekend. Going to give it a try tomorrow with some modified goose decoys. Brant is the only thing open here right now.
yes they want to vacation in BB the weather was just perfect this afternoon maybe 3 to 4 hundred in flocks of 20 plus flying right down Barnegat inlet.
Been out three times since the opener on the weekend; I've noticed larger flocks than in previous years.

Oh yeah, and LOTS of Canada Geese migrating waaaaaaaay overhead.
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Saw a couple of flocks on Lake Ontario over the weekend. Going to give it a try tomorrow with some modified goose decoys. Brant is the only thing open here right now.

Joe the NW winds this Friday, Saturday and Sunday might be moving them along the shouth shore of Lake Ontario. I will be soaking the brant rig this PM when I sneak out of work a little early today as well as tomorrow AM.
