Brant season

Kevin B

Well-known member
The AFC meet this week and has shortened the 50 day Brant season to 30 days. In the NE zone of NY It will commence on 10/4 -11/4.

Do you know if this decision was based on Mid-Winter counts or a poor breeding season?



Good morning Steve. Yes ,poor productivity for the past few seasons.
I am betting that they lost track of the birds over the past two years. Our state count folks had NO IDEA that the brant were feeding in fields west of rehoboth/indian river bays, and missed them entirely.
Better to err on the side of conservation, though.
Steve, I believe it was low mid-winter counts for last year and 2 previous years of poor production on breeding grounds and the reports of poor production this year. Atlantic Flyway Council discussed that despite an increase in the mid-winter count that they were concerned about liberalizations after 3 consecutive years of poor production, they recommended no change from last year based on those factors as called for in the Atlantic Brant Management Plan.
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would rather live with thirty than none. Problem down this way is that folks do not treat the little sea geese with much respect. If you take it, you are kind of bound to consume it, not just toss it aside, as oft happens with things that are not always gourmet specials.
Have had a love affair with them since they reopened back a while ago. Wish the eelgrass came back!
They just keep sticking it to us in the NE zone, screwed us on our late season again, took a week off the beginning of it and added it to the early season for the puddle jumpers. Guess they got more money and pull than the die hard late season guys.
Don't worry Glenn with any luck you'll be in the western zone by the 2016 season.
The Council's decision effects the entire flyway not just the NE zone but different dates could be put in place.

There is a upcoming meeting in Whitehall you could attend where you could propose other dates for Brant
Its sorta like last year with scaup: the guys inland saw tons of bluebills and we had almost none here on the coast: You can't base population size on your observations alone!
We have a ton of Brant on Long Island. I will trade you some Brant for some Golden Eyes or Wood Ducks. Ha
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Based on counts we don't see a decline of brant west of Shinnecock Bay. Have done a few hunts in west suffolk and nassau county and do not see a decline of counts.