Broken Dog.

Todd Duncan Tennyson

Well-known member
Alex is old and tired.

I've @ 70 lb of vintage black hound dog that I give Rimadyl to 2 x a day @ 75 mg (doses at 12 hr intervals).

He still hurts,
and I wonder if I can get him any relief with the addition of a single 100 mg aspirin a few times a day along with some food?

He gets glucosamine /chondrit... @ 1500 mg a day
and I have to feed him from my hand to get him to eat his chow.

I know the day is fast approaching, when I'll need to set him free.

I would like to make his final days be happy, and in with the sun on his back (he is sleeping in the sun on the deck as I write this). If there is anything else I can do for him that you have done for your old hounds, please let me know.

Wish us luck.

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Todd Im sorry to hear this news about old Alex, but be carefull on that 100 miligram asprin, I do know that they can kill cats, not to sure on dogs, but I would consult a Vet first, you are in my prayers Brother.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.

sorry to hear of you plight. Hard to deal with the last days of a treasured companion.

Don't use Ibuprofin or regular aspirin. You can use "Buffered" aspirin, But I would be careful mixing it with the Rimadyl, as it is also a pain reliever/muscle relaxer.

Good luck,

Roger that Eddie,

I am running it by all of the folks in the know on dogs first. Until then, a bit of sunshine on his old black back isn't going to do any harm...

When the time comes, Alex will be missed by those of us on the Duckboat page as well. It truly is hard to see them get old. My heart goes out to you.

Sorry to hear that, Alex has been a fixture around here for quite a while. My last dog, a Golden, was hit by a car at about a year old. He was finally sent on his way at 13 1/2 but he always had difficulty with his hips due to the car accident. After hunting I would give him an aspirin and 500 or 1000 mg of Vit C. It helped and he was usually up and around the next day. I heard years ago that a version of Vit. C called Ester C is even better for dogs and will mask the symptoms of some joint/arthritis issues. I don't believe there are any issues with Vit. C and the other drugs Alex is on but you might want to run it by your vet to make sure. Good Luck.
if he is anything like my last one,
Ice cream. She loved it and I would give her a bowl any time I got done reading about someone here loosing a dog. They get right into your life under the skin, and it is the really unfair part when the days get short. They do so much for us and we have so little to offer them as the time gets close. Make sure you know where you go if you have to and they know you might be coming. I will not soon forget trying to find the right place when I found her during my lunch break and my vet was out of the office.
Like I said, for me it was a big scoop of her fav. coffee ice cream. It always made a tail wag and a smile show up.
Good luck, friend Alex.

Todd, I am really sorry to hear about Alex. Takes me back to the last days of my Yukon Jack. He was a poster boy for Rymadal, at least three extra years we got with him. His last week he opened the fridge by himself which he had never done his whole life and helped himself to a pack of hot dogs. A dog can only be good for so long I guess.Can't say about the drugs but my thoughts are with you. Tell Alex there are a BUNCH of good boys and girls waiting for him to play and hunt with.
I really enjoyed reading about Alex taking you hunting ;)
I am sure the sun helps what dog doesn't like the sun on his back. I hope you get some answers about the drugs.

I've been in your shoes, trying to comfort an old hunting partner. My vet had me start with 325 mg aspirin. I used Ascriptin, it's Maalox coated. When that wasn't working we moved to Rimadyl. I don't remember using both together. Consult your vet about appropriate doseage form aspirin with Rimadyl.

I also know their are some other, newer pain relievers and nsaids for canines. I haven't had to to use them and don't remember their names.

It is bittersweet to watch such a good friend succumb to old age. Our canine companions never live long enough.

Todd ,

Sorry to hear about Alex. I had to put Tanner down the last day in Nov. last year, a day short of his 13th birthday. My other pup. Casey is going to be 14 ( God willing)this June . She has cancer and arthritis so I know too well what you are facing. If you have been giving rimadyl for quite awhile he may have built up a tolerance for it. Using one of the other nasids as mentioned ( such as previcox) may help. There is a glucosimine chondroitin supplement that many vets swear called Glyco-flex II. It has had good results. Other than that , chiropractic can help as well asn making sure he has plenty of soft beds around where he likes to lay. Many folks are also getting good results with their pets with acupuncture.

I'd also buy one of the new "smart" heating pads that cycle on and off so they don't get too hot or stay hot too long. Warm water is also nice and some vet clinics and boarding kennels have warm water pools to exercise old joints in. If you know a person with arthritis, ask them what brings relief and try it on Alex.

good luck,

Dave b
Sorry to here about Alex. I wouldn't add aspirin to the rimadyl. You may want to try a different NSAID like Deramaxx, Metacam, or etogesic. I'll also add tramadol to the NSAID if they can't stay comfortable with the NSAID alone. And I have a few that we stop Rimadyl on and go to straight prednislone. Hope this helps to know there are a few options left to keep him comfortable.

Todd, I can't give any advice, as I have never been there before in regards to medications. But I can offer prayers for you and Alex. Wishing you some special times with Alex. Bless you my friend.

Gary March
Todd, I have a Chocolate lab that a research vet from Australia described as "the worst osteopathic nightmare on two continents" annd recomended euthanasia at age 1. Eight years later i am giving her Metacam and its working great, she can walk around the block, go up and down stairs, and generally has a good life. Metacam is a liquid and is dosed by weight and is a once a day app.
hope the pooch gets better
Hi Todd,

Sorry to hear about Alex. How old is he? I have had similar issues with my Yoda, severe arthritis in his elbow and wrist. We have worked closely with our vet since we had to retire him from field trials at age eight. He hunted a bit last fall, he can't run but swimming is no problem. Anyway, since the joints are gone, anti-inflammatories don't work so we have to use pain killers to keep his quality of life good. We use one Mobic each morning with breakfast, and it seems to work. Yoda doesn't whine or seem uncomfortable, just limps. We are not looking forward to having to make that hard decision, hopefully it will be a while yet.

Anyway, Mobic is an opiate, but doesn't seem to effect the dogs as in a stoned sort of way. Ask your vet about it, and give Alex a pet from me.

Damn it! I've been off of this site for awhile and when I come back I get a story like this. I lost Woody two years ago and it broke my heart. The fact that I am away from KC, my wife and kids while I start a new job on the east coast doesn't help much. I surely hope you find some relief for your old friend and also for yourself. It hurts like hell, but don't let your friend suffer, he wouldn't want to see you in pain. God bless you both and good luck. dc