Broken Dog.

First, let me say I'm sorry about your "best friend". I went through a similar experience with my own pup a few years back, it's very painful. If you can't find a medication to offer relief, don't let the pup linger. My pup had bone cancer and there were no options to save her. Although she spent the last 2 months of her life on 3 legs (she wouldn't use the bad leg) she was happy as could be. My wife and I spoiled her every day until I came home one day and saw her ears drooping and her tail held low. I took her the next day to be put down. I swear little jenny knew what was coming too. It was the worst feeling ever, I was in the room when the vet put her down, I don't recommend it. Anyway, the point of the whole story was, you'll know when it's "time",don't ignore it, for the sake of the pup. I hope you have many more happy days until then........Good luck to you and the pup. Regards, Chris
Lots of good advice on the medical side already here. But, I want to let you know we're all feeling for you and your hunting partner. Whatever choices you make will be in Alex's best interest - just think for a minute what a waste the time you two had together would have been if you didn't feel this sense of inevitable loss. The hurt, fear, sadness all mean that You and Alex shared good times together at home and in the field...those memories will last forever.

I (as we all do) dread the day when we have to say goodbye to our four legged hunting partners but we know that they enjoyed the hunting and we gave them that opportunity...

Good Luck and all the best.

We'll be thinking of you,

Thanks again everyone.

It is nice to know that you can all relate.

I've met some nice folks on this site for sure, and it has been great to be able to share all of the adventures that Ol Alex and I have been able to go on with you all.

He is doing as good as can be expected, getting lots of love, and getting out for a couple of short walks each day where he can walk in the tall grass with his mate Ginger.

We've got him eating good grub, and we'll keep him with us while his days remain good.

Again, Thanks for taking the time to chime in.

I haven't ever had to put a pet down before.
I lost Lucy 11 1/2 years ago and have not been able to get another dog. I am getting closer to getting another but losing a dog is more than difficult. Sorry to hear about your pup, I hope the advise from many help.

Please don't give your dog aspirin along with the rimadyl. They are in the same family of drugs, but aspirin is a cox-1 anti-inflammatory and rimadyl is a cox-2 anti-inflammatory and if you combine them they will actually be less effective. I have had some luck in switching to a different cox-2 anti-inflammatory. You might talk to your vet about switching your dog to Deramaxx. I have also had good luck giving my 13 yo. Adequan IM
