Canada Trip

Jaime Day

Well a week or so I returned from a duck hunting trip in Canada. I must say it was quite an experience. The number of ducks and geese was impressive, but so was the landscape and the locals. We hunted 7 days only saw one other group of folks hunting. All the land owners were more than happy to let us hunt. I will try to get caught up a little more and post some pics from the trip, but if any of you ever get the chance to go - it is well worth the time to get up there.
Jaime, I just want you to know that you have one guy in New Mexico that will be waiting to see those pictures and any kind of write up on the hunt that you can put together.
When you talked about the environment that you were in plus the people (locals) that you met, that told me a lot.
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Eric- We were in Saskatchewan north of saskatoon?. No they were from Minnesota but saw a few folks from south Ga at the airport? They always seem to mooch off us Alabama folks:)
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Al- the place we stayed had about 10 houses in the town- including our camp house. Every 3rd day the mail wld be delivered to the p.o. Boxes next to our camp and folks wld just stop in to check on us, drink a beer or two and just talk. I think they got a kick out of seeing out of town folks and listening to our southern accents. We even got a tour of the local curling arena. I was upset it wasn't open yet. We would go to the local cafe in the nearest town bout 20 min away, and the folks in there would always ask us about the hunting and we never left with less than 4 or 5 names of farmers to call about hunting their land.
Al- the place we stayed had about 10 houses in the town- including our camp house. Every 3rd day the mail wld be delivered to the p.o. Boxes next to our camp and folks wld just stop in to check on us, drink a beer or two and just talk. I think they got a kick out of seeing out of town folks and listening to our southern accents. We even got a tour of the local curling arena. I was upset it wasn't open yet. We would go to the local cafe in the nearest town bout 20 min away, and the folks in there would always ask us about the hunting and we never left with less than 4 or 5 names of farmers to call about hunting their land.
I'm from Ontario but I can tell you that you will never meet a better class of people in this country than you will on the Praries.
If you have ever heard expressions like "give you the shirt of their back" I'll bet this is where they originated,,,,,,Chuck
Friend of mine was up shooting. Said it was one of the best trips there. Lots of birds, great shooting in the fields. Got stuck in Toronto for 3 days waiting for NY airports to open.