Coastal meets Pitboss

Capt Jeff Kraynik

Well-known member
As some of you already know, Capt Jeff Coats (Pitboss Waterfowl) & Tim Furness of Ducks, Dogs & Decoys TV joined us on a Florida style duck hunt over the last (4) four days.

I'm exhausted & before I pass out I just wanted to thank a few folks, that w/o there help we couldn't have pull it off!!!

Capt Lou Benson
Guide Steve Smith
Jose "Pepi" Vadel
Mike "Mataboy" Hart
Dennis (LNU:love3:)
Ron Smith Decoys
Biologist Jamie Fedderson (FWC)
Biologist Ron Bielefeld (FWC)
Doc Kocol (FWC)
Dave McCraken & Gumbo (AWSC)
Steve O'Neil & PeeDee ((AWSC)
Doug Voltalina (SJRWMD)
Adonis the Traveling Decoy (
Chuck J (
Fran & Susan Adams (Marsh Landings)
The Comfort Suites of Palm Bay

And if I missed anyone due to my lack of sleep, I apologize!!!:help:

There's 100's of pic's to go through so it may be a week or so before I get a chance to put some up.

Guiding straight through till Sunday evening.

Here's a little teaser on what Capt Jeff (Pitboss) is putting up on his wall!!!


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Glad to see that Adonis and Chuck J made it. I hope the logbook finally caught up too. Jeff, please say Hi to Jeff for me.
Hey Jeff

Good stuff there, glad the plan came together. Tell Capt Coats not to be such a stranger. I met him in the parking lot of Westlake a couple of years ago...cornered him as to why my deeks didn't place better :) No, actually it was my first year there, and I was very happy with the green ribbon he and the other 2 judges awarded me, plus he gave me some excellent pointers out in the parking lot.
