Collapsible decoy bags

I wonder if they have drainage holes in the bottom?? Damn good price if they do, about 1/2 of what the ones labelled as decoys bags cost..
A friend of mine got these bags from Farmtek. These are good bags. I think they're a little bit better than the $15 rubbermaid bags I use...
Other than the shipping $, the unit price is very good.

Brian F.
No they don't have drainage.

On a hint from my buddy that has these, I bought a tarp grommet kit from the hardware store for just a few $ that had more than a dozen grommets and the setting tool....
Anyway, I added 3 grommets (the grommets have about a 5/8"dia. hole) to the bottom of all my Rubbermaid leaf bags. Only took a couple of minutes to do each bag.

Brian F.
I use the farmtek bags and I use a plastic grommet in the bottom of the bag. Works pretty slick. The material is more tarp-like than I'd prefer. It'd be nice to have the same thing made out of a light cordura. That being said they're pretty durable.

Buy the Farmtek bags and go out and buy a brass grommetting (sp?) kit. Cut some holes in the botton, insert grommets, take the savings and make a donation to the bank/bar/outdoor store of your choice........
Yes I've been looking at them on Cabelas for $50.00, The advantage in my mind is that they stay upright with the mouth open which would make it easier to wind up the decoy cord then just toss them in, especially after dark.

Bill G.
i use the toro bags from home depot - they work great -- i can get about 20 decoys per bag and when collapsed they have a "snap buckle" system for holding them closed - easy to use with cold fingers and easy to store out of the way - heavy and durable
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