Congrats to all of the '07 graduates...

Chris Hagenlocher

Active member
...On the forum...

I had my high school graduation yesterday- what a day! It went by pretty fast... So now I'm off in the real world.

Now: only 4 years of college, a couple of graduate school, two in "guide school" and then I'll be hunting and fishing for most of the year! Hopefully I'll be starting a hunting/fishing lodge in Southeast Alaska.

Cheers to all that have worked hard to accomplish all that they've done!

Now- off to Colorado!
Congrats to you! Good luck guiding. That'd be really cool. Our last day is the 12th then only one more year till I'm out of high school!
Congratulations on one of the first steps of your journey. May all your steps go smoothly, but remember true learning takes place on the hard ones. With your attitude,I know you will deal successfully with those.
Our oldest son Hunter will miss his graduation this Saturday,, because I drove him to Seattle at 4am today to catch a flight to Anchorage then on to Bethel then on a bush plane 100 miles south where he will spend the summer working for a good friend who has known Hunter since the day he was born.

Hunter will spend the next three months guiding fisherman on the river and making a few bucks to boot.

He has spent a month the last 2 summers working as a camp helper but this year he gets a guide slot for the full three months, then in September we will head to North Dakota for an archery deer and antelope hunt, the pointer will also go because sharptail season will be open. Then in late Sept. College starts for him.

I wanted to decorate his chair with a fishing rod and a sign at graduation but everyone semes to think that such a memorial should only be for those who have departed for good.

These kids just grow up to dam fast..
Way to go Chris! You must be really excited to get on with Phase II of your schooling or real education, whichever you chose. Have a safe grad eh?
