Connecticut Waterfowlers and any others willing to help! Today only!

Scott Farris

Well-known member
The following request for support is flying around CT thanks to efforts by a number of CT Sportsman groups. I thought I’d post it here. I personally chatted with Cindy and she is a very nice person.

Thank you for your support,

There is a public comment period regarding waterfowl hunting at the Great Meadows Stratford Unit. USFWS was sued by the Fund for Animals. Whether or not hunters hunt there they need to contact her BY FRIDAY (TODAY) to help keep the area open. The environmental assessment has three alternatives:

Alternative 1: Close the area to waterfowl hunting

Alternative 2: Open portions of the area to waterfowl hunting (USFWS
proposed recommendation, currently what is taking place)

Alternative 3: Open the entire area to waterfowl hunting. (Scott Farris’ personal choice)

As part of the comment period USFWS weighs the number of responses which
they receive.

EVERYONE NEEDS TO CALL CINDY AT 860-399-2513 ext. 112.
You don't even need to say your name. You can even leave anonymous comments
on her voicemail. Tell her that you support hunting programs in the Stewart B.
McKinney Refuge Great Meadows Unit.
Thanks for the heads up. I just talked to Cindy and expressed my you had.
Take care, give a call guys....this is how we keep things open.
Cindy also made note that they're reached all the way to Michigan with this comment survey.
You got it Scott. Good luck down there. I started a very similar thread like this a couple of weeks ago as 3 of our refuges hunt programs in MA are also being sued by the Fund for animals and HSUS. I got zero replies and close to 200 views. Hope you get a better reception.

50 views and 2 replies on this thread so far. Come on guys we have to help each other out as waterfowlers on these issues.
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Thanks guys.

Latest emails give us until midnight tonight (et) to leave a voice mail. So if you get free calls after 9 pm give the above number a call!

Thank you - Thank you !!!
I talked to her too this morning. Very nice and took the time to note the points I made. Le3ts just hope the word got out and some guys picked up the phone. I got 4 different e-mails on it so it was making the rounds.

Thank you for the call even if it was selfishly motivated! Next thing we'll know you'll be supporting the Connecticut hunting on Sunday movement. (For those who don't know New England blue laws, half the states don't allow Sunday hunting so we descend kind of like locus on the poor states that do. RI is one of those states and for half our CT state hunters it’s a fairly short drive.

Thanks again Good RI Buddy!!

Thank you for taking the time to make the call. As the Stewart B. McKinney Refuge is Federal, it's great to have "National" calls.

Very best!

Thanks for making the call and for the PM.

I hope the fight for the MA [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]refuges hunt programs goes well. I'm sure Andrew is pulling hard too :^)

Hippies are okay, it's the darn Yuppies I hate. Yuppies haven't a clue but they have guilt and money. It's a horrible combination because in their ignorance, the Antis easily lead them, and their numbers and money raises the stakes in a fight.

I've got to get off my soapbox!
Thanks for your support!
Too bad we're old and settled. Did Cindy tell you how she gets to shoot predators at night on Faulkner's to defend the endangered terns? Not only did she come across as nice, but fun too!


Thank you for making the call. Lets hope it helps keep the pressure off another favorite area we hunt.

Congrats on the award. It was well deserved! I would have commented under Nate's post but figured you were already squirming under all the attention.

You make us proud dude!

I called to put in my vote for option #3 yesterday on Cindy's voice mail.Hope it will do some good.
Joe O