jode hillman
Well-known member
I have been spending the last few months working steadily on the house. It's old, I have a growing family and it was time to get things done. However with the July 4th coming up I figured I needed a few Crabs to go along with our family Bar-B-Cue .
Usually by this time of year the Delaware bay and lower river is teeming with crabs. Not so this year. Hurricane Sandy two years ago, and a brutally cold winter last year have put a hurting on our local crab numbers.
However when a unexpected phone call from and old friend (from Miami) came in late Monday night I decided to give it a try anyway.
We left in the dark yesterday morning to give it a full day off crabbing figuring we would have to move alot to get any real numbers. The first spot we hit at dead low and were surprised to find good numbers of crabs stranded in 25-50 yard section of creek cut off by the low water. We waded and scapped about 40 crabs by 9:00 am, getting pretty mudded up in the process. Also I must of donated at least a pint of blood to the local greenhead fly as bug spray was pointless being in the water. I actually think DEET is like colonge' to them!
As the tide rose we set up in some creeks closer to the bay and had a slow pick of mostly 5" crabs. Biggest of the day was 7-1/8" We ended the day with a 3/4 bushel of good eating. Although todays catch was decent. I hope the crab numbers rebound soon as I prefer them to almost anything else in the salt save a good oyster or Tuna Sashimi.
Heading out

It's been awhile since this FL. boy has been in NJ mud.

After a few hours of Scapping.

End of the day

Dinner time.

Usually by this time of year the Delaware bay and lower river is teeming with crabs. Not so this year. Hurricane Sandy two years ago, and a brutally cold winter last year have put a hurting on our local crab numbers.
However when a unexpected phone call from and old friend (from Miami) came in late Monday night I decided to give it a try anyway.
We left in the dark yesterday morning to give it a full day off crabbing figuring we would have to move alot to get any real numbers. The first spot we hit at dead low and were surprised to find good numbers of crabs stranded in 25-50 yard section of creek cut off by the low water. We waded and scapped about 40 crabs by 9:00 am, getting pretty mudded up in the process. Also I must of donated at least a pint of blood to the local greenhead fly as bug spray was pointless being in the water. I actually think DEET is like colonge' to them!
As the tide rose we set up in some creeks closer to the bay and had a slow pick of mostly 5" crabs. Biggest of the day was 7-1/8" We ended the day with a 3/4 bushel of good eating. Although todays catch was decent. I hope the crab numbers rebound soon as I prefer them to almost anything else in the salt save a good oyster or Tuna Sashimi.
Heading out

It's been awhile since this FL. boy has been in NJ mud.

After a few hours of Scapping.

End of the day

Dinner time.