cRaZi Duck Video

My question is "what the heck were you searching for when you found that video?". Is that what comes up when you type "duck porn" into google?
That's it, I quit this site, its just a bunch of mean old men (until I post again).
Ok, its odd but fairly interesting none the less. I found a link for it on I guess this guy does lots of these funny reports, but if you pass on the hilarity of it - its pretty interesting.
So the question is, should we be carving the corkscrew into our block and what is best -- Black or Tan cork hehhehehe
That's it, I quit this site, its just a bunch of mean old men (until I post again).
Ok, its odd but fairly interesting none the less. I found a link for it on I guess this guy does lots of these funny reports, but if you pass on the hilarity of it - its pretty interesting.
So the question is, should we be carving the corkscrew into our block and what is best -- Black or Tan cork hehhehehe

I think the natural fit would be to save up wine corks and glue them up for the body. It will take some serious 'work' if you are making them oversized.
Well, if you want de-tail I guess you use tan cork. But seriously - did that video say "it falls off when they're done"? Do the drakes know that when they start? Man-o-man that's severe!!
That's one of those things you wish you could unsee. I need lots of alcohol to wash that out of my head. Will never look at a duck the same again!
So the question I keep asking myself from the video I posted and that link of Brad's --- who and how in the world does a scientist become a "duck-fluffer" to get those studies done right? That’s some crazy stuff - glad some of you liked it.... Bwhahaahaha
No more west coast jokes, I don’t think Fred, and Brad and I can take it - we are a little sensitive out here.Derek
You know, historically, that's where the expression "screwed" came from Bhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
wis boz
LMAO! Ahhh Youtube.... looks like you were about 50 clicks into youtube, very easy to get lost in there!