Croc dis-armed in Taiwan NDR

I don't know about croc's but a friend of mine had a pet alligator in 3X5 cage with a two inch deep pan on the bottom. He would feed the alligator minnows. Dump them in the pan and with in four min. The Alligator would get them all. Was that Alligator quick. I sure would not put my arm any where near it. Years ago I was a Boy Scout Commissioner and while at a day camp for cub scouts, they had the cub scouts in patrols led by a boy scout. Each patrol had a name. One was the Alligator patrol and every time they passed a another patrol. They had to sing there song. " Were the Alligator patrol eat um up chomp chomp." I thought that was appropriate
I saw a pic of that a day or two ago without the story and would have sworn it was photo shopped !!!!

guess I was wrong.

I do like the pic with the darts , I swear that lizard is smiling. ( duuuude , I told ya I could do it ! )
Man tough break, no gaters in New Brunswick as far as I know. I knew there was a reason why I didn't become a zoo keeper.

Bill G.