CRP needs all sportsmans' help....

Duane G

Active member
Hi, Please take a minute or two, fill in the blanks (on the link) and send a note to a few elected officials and let them know how important CRP is to us and wildlife.[capwiz:queue_id]

I sent mine in yesterday and feel if CRP is lost, then everyone looses. From the farmers, sportsman and especially the wildlife, CRP is life-blood!

Thanks and I hope you will click the link above, fill in your name and send it along.
Thanks Duane...I've been telling my friends. Hopefully quys will take the time to do this. I have to admit it isn't looking good at this point.
I have on my work computer a website that lists all the Senator and Rep by state and district, along with their mailing addresses. It also has a reminder function that sends you and email letting you know the progress of a bill and how your represenatives voted on it. Will see if I can find that tomorrow.

I like to keep them informed about my opinion and how they should vote when representing me. They must like it too, as their aids send me back these nice letters thanking my for my input. (Damn I wish I had some funny smiley to put here)
Good luck!
It's a long shot at best that this is not going to happen. CRP is dead, long live ethonal.
We are not going to stop the planting of more land with all the plants that are springing up. Maybe in 5 or 10 years when this market crashes but the end of the huge numbers of crp acres is over. Doesn't matter democrat or republican without farmers wanting it there is no hope. Check farm groups and you will be hard pressed to find one not supporting drastic changes. In five years plants alone in SD will be able to use more corn then was produced this past year, they still need feed for livestock on top of that.
I wish it were different but I'm afraid it's not. Maybe ehtanol from switch grass will help when they get that figured out.
Drilling in Alaska and off of the coast of Florida would sure help but that isn't going to happen either.

I'm afraid that Tim is correct and that the day of the CRP is coming to an end and that in about (10) years it will take its place in the graveyard right next to the tombstone that marks the resting place of the original soil bank...

With it will go the current "near record" if not "record" numbers of Pheasants, as well as the huge increases that we've seen in species such as Bluewing Teal, Gadwalls, Pintails, Redheads and other "prairie pothole" nesting birds, not to mention the ability to negate the effects of localized droughts and their impact on all duck species.....

For those guys that favor "less competition through fewer ducks, lower limits and shorter seasons" stick around cause your day is just over the horizon....

I believe that the program will be re-authorized, that the politicians will thump their chests and say "we are the Envrionmental President" but that the level of participation by the farmers will be restricted partly by the reduced capacity of the program that will be written into it by the politico's and by the fact that there is no way that it can be funded such that the farmers will be wiling to leave even the existing land in the program much less enroll new Tim says, just too much opportunity to make $$$ with the new emphasis on green fuels....

Hopefully I'm wrong on this one because if not then I'm betting that we're on the verge of seeing the bad old daysof 30 days seasons with (3) duck limits on the horizon....

Not to mention $5 bucks for a loaf of bread, $8 bucks a pound for hamburger and 8 miles to the gallon for your ethanol based pickup truck. AND don't expect to pay less for ethanol when the cost of a new big green combine gets up around 1.7 mil.

P.S. You guys are spoiled out west and yes I'm jealous. We only get 60 days here in Illinois and I'm sorry to say I shot more ducks during the points system days.
I’ve sent the email as well but from a view a little south of Tim it’s pretty much the same story. Local corn contracts for "New Crop 07(the crop hasn’t even been planted yet)" corn at $3.68 the government is going to have to have to subsidize ethanol producers to a larger extent than they already do to make ethanol cost effective. With corn prices doubling it won’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what that box of corn flakes is going to cost you? Those prices and $4.00 on the horizon you’d be crazy to bid a CRP contract at anything under $150/ac?? The government isn’t going to pay those rates, simple economics. Say good by to the fence rows again. There’s gold in them thar hills and it ain’t the metal kind.