Custom call logo opinion

Eric Patterson

Staff member
Lately I've been getting serious about turning a few calls to sell. Not a big venture but I enjoy turning and making calls for myself and would like to get them in the hands of other hunters.

After scratching my head for days on a logo I think I have one that might work for me. I'd appreciate input.

The essence behind the idea is to play off the logo on my Oliver lathe. The pic below shows my logo and the one off my Oliver lathe.



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Very classy Eric. Is the shape of the call on the logo the same as your style when you turn it? Being an anal mother myself, I'd want it to match my style and keep a consistant style. Lets see some pics of some calls.

Good matches on the colors.
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Yes and no. I have turned several different styles and don't know if that is the one I will go with, probably not. The call on the logo was roughed out with paint shop pro and is my least favorite part of the design. When I settle in on a particular barrel design I will update the logo and hopefully is will be more refined, like maybe an actual photo blended in.

Thanks for the input.

Let us know when we can become pro staff, order black hoodies, truck stickers, etc.

Just kidding. I like the logo.

Great look!! In my humble opinion, the only change that would keep a distance from your logo from the the lathe logo, but help incorporate the two together is rather than having the world globe in the O put a map of Alabama (I take it that is where you are from) in the O of your logo.
Great job again and let me know if you need anyone in the Northeast to test a call on the finicky East Coast Black Ducks. Currently my Glynn Scobey real foot lake model turns pinheads to frantic, back pedaling waterfowl but I always like to try a new call on over-hunted birds. Let me know a cost, I would be interested in adding one to my repertoire!!
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I actually tried that but I was having trouble getting the map to look good. I probably need to try with some other map. The fact that you suggested it makes me thing I need to try again.

I also tried sharing the O in Old and Oliver but it looked more like OLD LIVER.

Good suggestions, keep them coming.

I like the logo, its pretty cool looking and has meaning. Call making is not very cost effective is it? I decided I would make my own instead of spending 125 on calls, so I decided to spend two thousand to make my own. lol I look foward to seeing your calls and I appreciate being able to share mine on here.
I like it. The colors are great, very classy and old timey. I thought about the big "O" Old Liver idea before I got to that post but that makes sense that it might not read right.
The one thing I like in the Oliver logo that you don't have on yours is the gold notching in around the rivets. I don't know why but I kind of miss that on yours, very small nit.

Tim 'pro staff wannabe'
Boz, good advice. It's always a struggle for me to keep it simple, which is usually best, because I want to try a lot of ideas at once.

Tim, I wasn't sure how to cleanly make those but agree it would add a little without making it busy like Boz said. I have since figured a way of doing it though and want to try it out. Take note though that not all tags have the rivets over the border. The below is the tag off my yet to be restored shaper.

Michael, glad you found us over here. I've seen your calls on CCO and you do nice work.


Below is another cool machinery tag. It's referred to as the "screaming chicken" badge.


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I like it too...It has that sort of old timey flavor to it. I spent hours...heck, weeks on my original logo. I do still like it, but I have been woodburning the "NB" on all of my calls for a couple of years now and have resorted to the simpler logo found in my avatar. I just change the color around every once and a while. If you are anything like me you will be changing it over and over and over again til you find exactly what you are looking for.

I may have to post a call or two up here this weekend for show. I'm just finishing up a new design and love it! I wouldn't mind hearing some other opinions though.

Thanks Eric, I have been a member for a while, just usually read all the cool stuff and normally don't post much. Kinda tired of all the bickering on the other duck forums. Lots of good info and guys here.

I'm not at the pint yet where I'm logoing each call. Heck, I can barely find the time to turn out more than one here and there. I plan on plugging away until I do have more time. But to your point about simplicity I can see what you mean. There isn't much real estate on a call. I thought about that when making the logo above and am pretty sure I can pull some of the main elements and get them on a small decal. Have you ever seen the decals Amaden used on his Hambones? Something simple like that is where I amy end uo going.

Keep up the good work and let's see the new call design.


I flat out love it. Old timey looking and at the same time classy and contemporary style. I wouldn't change a thing. Let me know when production is up and running, I know we can sell some here at the Institute.
Looks good Eric! Its a fun hobby for sure, I cant believe this Nov is my 10th year since I started screwin around with them.
want to make 10 special calls for that ocassion just cant decide on what yet... I made myself a

SUPER SUPER LAB call this last week, looks like my older wooden ones a bit but over 9" in size :) all hedge from 2.5"x2.5" stock
will have to send you a pic. more work on the tone board yet and im gona hunt it!
Great colors, classy looking logo. Maybe one or both the O's could resemble the brass end of a shotgun shell.............Just a thought
Eric - you might be able to incorporate the "Alabama-ism" by replacing the rectangular red plate background with an Alabama-shaped plate. Same red color, same gold border but in the shape of Bama...its pretty close to rectangular.

Just an idea