Decoy Show Results

jim Williams

Active member
A little birdy told me that someone from this site did well for themselves at this show,

Not sure if they will stand up and take any credit but I wanted to say "Awesome job Tom! Keep up the great work!"
thanks fellas. Grant Werdick posts over here also and he did some great birds that placed better than mine. Great show, great people and I will go back in a couple years. I would encourage anyone wanting to enter a bird next year to enter this show and if you want a break from winter to go and enjoy yourself
Tom and Grant - Congrats on representing the Duckboat Forum well. You both have lots to be proud of and, we are proud of you.
Well Tom it was more of a fast walk as I couldn't run...would have left my better half behind. :) It always amazes me to see the feather detail on some of the "working" decoys but.............many of those folks only know one way to paint....darn good....and some of us folks also know only one way to paint.......not so darn good ............ but like someone famous once said "let the ducks be the judge"

It was a real pleasure to see "all" the entrys....even the "LBB" stuff. The talent at all these shows is breathtaking to many of least me for sure.......

Had fun, ate some good chow, drained a little "Purple Sack" and BS'd with great people

I hope it inspired me to get back into the shop?
Had fun, ate some good chow, drained a little "Purple Sack" and BS'd with great people

I hope it inspired me to get back into the shop?

Sounds like the favorite activities of Brad F. Remember your sunscreen snowbird....
Yes .. sunscreen and a hat are in order. Yuma has been running 10 degrees over normal averages.....85 - 88 today I believe....but it makes that tall frosty while setting in the shade even better .. come the 1600 hrs. mandatory "Safety Meeting" :)
1600 hours safety meeting? I guess 1500 miles to the south requires changing from the tradition while closer to the equator. By tradition you could have first tot between 10-12pm when the sun was over the yard, and second tot between 3-5 pm. But you could have your tot at the sounding of the 1 o'clock cannon.

Splice the Mainbrace.
After talking to Tom today about this show it sure makes me want to consider a little trip next winter. I bet it would not be to hard to convince the wife.
Brad I wish I was there with you. When I leave the state of Missouri I am always happiest when I return, it is home. When we landed in KC yesterday afternoon I was sad to be returning so early. It was wonderful spending time with you and meeting your wife. I hope to do it again some time in the future.
Yes sir Tom, was nice meeting your better half....having a little of the special juice.....what ever Doug didn't get...:) and seeing how the Cali boys do business.

I'll try to keep some time open to visit next time I'm in the KC area.

Again, lots of very nice decoys were floated...well worth the trip for anyone interested in our craft.
Was definitely a great weekend with nice decoys and even better people.

Anytime you any of you guys want to get away from that "cold white stuff", you're more than welcome to come out and I'll do my best to try and show you a good time.

See you guys in Ohio!
