Detroit area dog training?

Paul "Pablo" Britton

Active member
Shot in the dark:

Lou, Lee, anyone who lives say within 150 miles of Detroit.
I'm trying to convince my Pro trainer friend to go to the UKC fall grand hunt test, which will be held just West of Detroit. He ran my dog in the spring grand and she was one of the 42 that passed.
I suggested he go up in August and train all his dogs (and mine) in the cool weather up until the test in mid September.

Anyone know of good training grounds and a cheap place to stay?
We're talking two guys and an 18-dog gooseneck trailer.

Something like a deer camp or similar accomodation whould be to his liking.

I'm about a 120 miles West of Dee-Troit. There is a lot of campgrounds and State forest North of Detroit, I don't know how "dog Friendly they are. I bet Lou knows some good places. What town is it being held in...and when? Tourist season will be starting pretty quick and things fill up pretty fast. "COOL" weather in August? In Michigan?? Hell, it was 80 degrees the first week of duck season last year in mid October. I'm sure it's much cooler here than your place though.
I'll be there... wont be there early. Will be there to the end though! hehe. travis (who's seeking one on the rowdydogg, and unleashing char on the world in michigan)
There are plenty of places to train in MI. I don't have any contacts, sorry. He might also think of stopping one state west of MI. There are lots of places to train in WI.
