travis bruce
Active member
obviously I missed the whole feather thingy, but I assume ya had some come flying out of the garbage truck. I was more surpirsed to hear about 'holiday tip' for the garbage man. I've bribed garbage men before, but never tipped one, don't ever plan too. Freggin memphis garbage men get MLK day off. How stupid is that? MLK was in memphis because they wouldn't go to work.... he was here for the strike. If they had been at work, he'd been somewhere else, and not been killed. Anyone in the whole world who shouldn't get MLK day off, its memphis garbage men!
I gotta confess, I got feathers in my yard right now. We try to be cool about the whole thing, and not leave birds (from hunting or training) in site, but sometimes, feathers get spread. We make every effort to not skin birds where people can see, or have piles of birds visible. But feathers, welp. I remember as a kid, our yard molted for about 6 months of the year. It had feathers visible anytime you werent cutting grass, thats for sure.
Worst elmer thing I did this year was shotgun cleaning day. My bro, my middle and youngest son, and me, all in my garage cleaning guns. 5 870's taken apart, cleaned, scrubbed, stripped, and parts mismatchs so they work at one time. When ya get thru, run 3 primer loads thru the gun, reload, and do it again, before a final coat of bbq grill paint and some camo stripes. We're maybe 3/4's of the way done, when the poe poe came cruising by. He rolled down the street, out of site, and turned back around and stopped in front of the house. hehe. When he walks across the yard, I already got a primer load in my hand to show him (kinda frequent occurence if you dog train inside memphis), but could hear the spent shells rattling as I walked across the driveway. 3 black syntheic 870s laying sideways on the trailer already paint drying. bwhahahahahaha. Looked like opening morning in my driveway. So this 6 foot 4 black memphis police officer, is NOT impressed with gun cleaning day, preprations for duck season, or anything he sees. You all shooting? Yeah, just blanks, primer loads... to test the guns cycling. Why someone call? Yeah. Please don't shoot in the yard. bwhahahahahah. Hard to say no to a fella who was cool and didn't call for backup! Thought about going all Training Day on the neighborhood, walking down the street yelling about someone calling 'da man' and saying I am the man! Couldnt figger out who it was, cause you know it wasn't either mexican family, the widow lady next door i cut her grass, or either of the 2 house across the street I finally know all their names after 16 years. So i just let it slide, figgered I'd look dumb enough for one day! Besides, even money is my wife thought it'd be funny and she freggin called herself! travis
I gotta confess, I got feathers in my yard right now. We try to be cool about the whole thing, and not leave birds (from hunting or training) in site, but sometimes, feathers get spread. We make every effort to not skin birds where people can see, or have piles of birds visible. But feathers, welp. I remember as a kid, our yard molted for about 6 months of the year. It had feathers visible anytime you werent cutting grass, thats for sure.
Worst elmer thing I did this year was shotgun cleaning day. My bro, my middle and youngest son, and me, all in my garage cleaning guns. 5 870's taken apart, cleaned, scrubbed, stripped, and parts mismatchs so they work at one time. When ya get thru, run 3 primer loads thru the gun, reload, and do it again, before a final coat of bbq grill paint and some camo stripes. We're maybe 3/4's of the way done, when the poe poe came cruising by. He rolled down the street, out of site, and turned back around and stopped in front of the house. hehe. When he walks across the yard, I already got a primer load in my hand to show him (kinda frequent occurence if you dog train inside memphis), but could hear the spent shells rattling as I walked across the driveway. 3 black syntheic 870s laying sideways on the trailer already paint drying. bwhahahahahaha. Looked like opening morning in my driveway. So this 6 foot 4 black memphis police officer, is NOT impressed with gun cleaning day, preprations for duck season, or anything he sees. You all shooting? Yeah, just blanks, primer loads... to test the guns cycling. Why someone call? Yeah. Please don't shoot in the yard. bwhahahahahah. Hard to say no to a fella who was cool and didn't call for backup! Thought about going all Training Day on the neighborhood, walking down the street yelling about someone calling 'da man' and saying I am the man! Couldnt figger out who it was, cause you know it wasn't either mexican family, the widow lady next door i cut her grass, or either of the 2 house across the street I finally know all their names after 16 years. So i just let it slide, figgered I'd look dumb enough for one day! Besides, even money is my wife thought it'd be funny and she freggin called herself! travis