Duck Harvest By County.

Yeah, making ducks a game species made management--or at least the politics of management--a lot easier.
First and foremost Thank You for this data and all the work you have done over the years and for the work that you continue to do. I had no idea that by opening this Thread I would create such insightful (yet confusing) discussion! Prior to now I never realized many of the complexities and pitfalls of Harvest Reporting...overlap of HIP inputs by waterfowl hunters who hunt multiple states, the fact that Waterfowl Hunters are a subset of Migratory Bird hunters mixed in with woodcock hunters, dove hunters, etc. (although there is a "Did not Hunt" checkbox--correct?)...also HIP input on duck harvest is actually based on "Where Licensed" not "Where Harvested".
My interest in this map arose when I compared Somerset County Pennsylvania (where I first hunted ducks as a teenager) vs. Richmond Virginia areas (where I now reside and occasionally hunt) vs. Eastern VA and Eastern NC where I have hunted the most. Also Texas and Arkansas...the data By County just didn't match my observations. Thanks to your clarifications I now understand the reasons for mismatch much better.
'Reminds me of a humorous book that I read many years ago when I was tasked with reducing the Failure Rates on Personal Computers for a major PC Manufacturer: This job assignment was a great learning experience by which I learned to look at data with a very jaundiced eye and to do the best you can with data inputs that are not 100% "clean".

Thanks again,

David, I hope the discussion wasn't too confusing since I was hoping to clarify issues. LOL.

It is a complex world to get what appears to be simple questions, "how many migratory bird hunters are there" and "How many birds did they harvest". But the system doesn't allow for simple answers, but the answers that are produced are accepted but it is recognized that we can improve the answers. How's that for a confusing answer?
Your clarifications and inputs from other forum members definitely helped my understanding of the overall data management system and caveats that exist. I believe that as time goes on some/many of the shortcomings in the system will be eliminated/improved.
Thanks again.