is coming to life - Roll Call Time

Carl down in Mobile, AL here.
I've been on the DHBP almost since the very beginning, I believe Eric was still building his first boat when I joined!
This will be my 14th year of serious watrfowl hunting and I love it. Should be my son's 1st year to shoot as well, we will see how that goes!
Im 48 and about to start my 32nd Waterfowl season down here in SouthCentral Oklahoma. This Year all three of My Son's have graduated From College and All three are Married with Jobs. A New chapter in My Duck Hunting. The sky is the limit and I hope the Sky brings limits. Even if it Dont Im going to be out there enjoying every second.
A relative new comer to the site, having just recently "discovered" it, and I absolutely love it.

I grew up near Chesaning, MI, 4 miles from Shiawassee Refuge, but no one in our "neighborhood" (not really a neighborhood, roads were in mile sections) duck hunted. The only waterfowling we did was for geese during the migration, more of an opportunity hunt than anything else. No one had decoys but I did make some out of old tires and sticks (for heads) once. (they actually worked!)

After 21 years in the Army I finally really started duck hunting seriously. Now I wish I would have much sooner! Having been stationed in some of the best waterfowling areas of the country (Colorado, Upper Chesapeake Bay, and the UP of MI) i sure missed out on a lot of great opportunities. I took up this great pasttime while living in southeast NC, not exactly a waterfowlers mecca but we managed to find birds.

Now that I live along the Mississippi River I am trying to make up for it. I moved here a little over 3 years ago and this will be my first season on the river (hunting Potters Marsh!). I also return home when I can to hunt the refuge for geese and the adjoining state game land for both ducks and geese. It is also fun to actually do layout hunts in the fields where I grew up!

Almost done repainting decoys, will post up soon, and just starting to dabble in carving by re-purposing some foam puddlers into divers.
Anthony Acs here. Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; now living in "North Jersey" for the past 11 yrs. I work as a Project Manager in Pharm R&D and love it down here (or up here, depending on where you live). Where else can one go duck hunting only 20 mins away with a view of the sun rising behind one of the most famous skylines in the world?

I was interested in hunting ever since I could remember. A close family friend showed me the ropes at the age of 14. Although we were mainly hare, duck and goose hunters, we got the odd grouse, woodcock and deer. We didn't spend much money on clothes or equipment; everything was home made, repaired, borrowed or recycled (typical of eastern europeans who grew up in the war/revolution). As I got older, I had less time to hunt, what with university, my first jobs, and moving around. I always did manage to come back home for opening day of deer season, or maybe a snowshoe hare hunt during the Christmas holidays, if nothing else.

I started hunting here in Jersey about 8 yrs ago and have been learning more and more every year. I joined this fantastic website (I can't even remember when) to figure out what sort of craft I should get, or whether I should build one. In the end, I bought two, and built one, with the advice of great people on this site. It's also given me the opportunity to get to know some people a little bit better, in person, which only makes my life that much richer for knowing them. I check the new posts daily, give advice only rarely, and share my thoughts when inspired.

This year I look forward to learning more, to see more sights, enjoy the smell of the sun rising up in the morning, and listen to the sound of my knees knocking together in my freezing waders...
A full-on turkey addict, a couple buddies opened the door to waterfowling for me a few years ago and I have run so hard through it there's no getting back out! Hahaha . . . this will only be my 4th waterfowl season, but I am already so obsessed that I've begun building my own boat.

I have an older Lab who I adopted 4 years ago. He was instrumental in getting me into waterfowling. No non-slip, trialing machine, but he has more drive and determination than I have ever seen. If he marks a bird, he simply will not quit. More than one occasion, I've begun to sincerely worry about him when a bird has dived or had a lot of "go" left in it.

I've found waterfowl hunting to be the perfect combination of things that I have dearly loved on their own merits my entire life: Water, boats, guns, sunrises, friends, and dogs.

My 2-year-old son is nearly as waterfowl-obsessed as I am. Often, his first words of the morning are "Geese! Ho-onk! Ho-onk! Pow! MAX!" Or sometimes, "Dada, makeaboat. Seeit?"

I'm smack in the middle of building a Spira Marsh Rat, a ply-on-frame BBSB-ish design. It's nearly ready for the hull planks, and I need to post some more of my progress! Our Virginia resident goose season opens Sept 3, and I'm hoping to have it complete by then. But, that seems unlikely. Especially when factoring in the arrival of my second son literally any day now! I suppose I can set aside one happy thing to celebrate another! :)

I'm so excited about future days on the water with my boys that I sometimes can't sleep at night. :)

When I began my boat-building quest last winter, I stumbled onto this site here and have been incredibly grateful for the information available and the willingness of the members here to share their knowledge and experience. I'm already in way over my head on this project, and it's good to know I can pop over here with questions and get such great help! Thank you!!
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Hey. I'll check has been a while. I am probably the southernmost (in the USA) duck hunter on the site. The Everglades are my stomping grounds. I have been duck hunting recently grabbing ducks from the front of an airboat, at night to band them. I have been carving up a dust storm lately trying to catch up on decoys that several people have requested from me.

I am looking forward to seeing a lot of these this season.


I hope to hunt a lot more with my grandkids in 11-12


I intend to enjoy my constant hunting companion the next few years before he leaves us an empty nest.


I am going caribou hunting as time allows over the next few weeks. Due to this herd's movements I might have to use a river boat in two weeks to get to the back side of a lake in order to get anywhere near the herd as it moves east for the winter. A lake that might have some ducks in it.

First though I need to finish replacing the carbs on the used Honda jet I bought for the old boat I bought in May. Turns out the carbs on Honda 4 strokes didn't like the water the prior owner was using for fuel. But now I know a lot about rebuilding carbs on Honda 50hp motors.

As for duck hunting I still need to modify my little hybrid to safetly use the stumpjumper long tail. I will be putting together a "hunt deck" to make the little boat 10 feet long and float the long tail. Lets see now, the season opens in 2.5 weeks, and I will be spending much of my free time chasing critters with hooves. No problem getting the hunt deck built.

This might be another "dry" swamp year, but we are getting a lot of rain so there might be enough water to use the Black Brant III for a couple of weeks before I will be forced to use something that does not draw much water.
Hi everybody! I have been waterfowling since I was a teenager(am now 40) but unfortunately will be missing the upcoming season. I am deployed to Afghanistan and will not be back in Virginia until late winter/early spring. My kids have been bitten by the duck hunting bug and are bummed I will not be home this season to take them out. Luckily I have some great friends who will look after them this fall/winter and get them into a blind from time to time.

I have received word from the Navy that I will be moving to Tampa, FL for a few years after I get home from deployment. I am looking forward to getting into some FL waterfowling next year but since I have hunted salt marshes and the Chesapeake Bay for the past 15 years so I will have to adjust my game for the fresh water hunting down south. Can't wait!

Well I hope everyone has a productive hunting season, the biologists are indicating it could be one for the record books! Please stay safe on the water and keep the traditions going for the next generations. Take care and God Bless!
I still lurk from time to time. Moved from NC, where I lived for 17 years, back to Maryland in '08. Really enjoying hunting the Eastern Shore again.

Kevin Stupp, 31, Millvile, NJ (way south Jersey), new to this site.

I'm a 4th generation duck hunter and boat racer. When I was a kid my father got out of both after my first couple seasons. In my late 20's I got bitten by both bugs and I soon had my father back into it too. After a couple years hunting in aluminum boats, we wanted to go back to sneak boxes, but we like hunting together. We decided if we can build race boats, then why can't we build duck boats. We came up with a design for a 2 man sneak box that we sit side by side and shoot out the back like a traditional BBSB. They're 12' long, 5' wide, 175 lbs, fiberglass over okoume plywood. With 2 guys and gear and 15hp it runs about 20mph and draws about 3" of water. We've built a few for friends and needless to say we're loving the way the boats are working out.

My goal for this season is to hunt more with my 6 yr old daughter Faith.
She's been my good luck charm. My first hunt with her she was 4, I shot my first triple (3 green heads) and the first one was banded(also my first).

Many everyones season be safe, your memories plentiful, and your aim straight.
Anthony Acs here. Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; now living in "North Jersey" for the past 11 yrs. I work as a Project Manager in Pharm R&D and love it down here (or up here, depending on where you live). Where else can one go duck hunting only 20 mins away with a view of the sun rising behind one of the most famous skylines in the world?

I was interested in hunting ever since I could remember. A close family friend showed me the ropes at the age of 14. Although we were mainly hare, duck and goose hunters, we got the odd grouse, woodcock and deer. We didn't spend much money on clothes or equipment; everything was home made, repaired, borrowed or recycled (typical of eastern europeans who grew up in the war/revolution). As I got older, I had less time to hunt, what with university, my first jobs, and moving around. I always did manage to come back home for opening day of deer season, or maybe a snowshoe hare hunt during the Christmas holidays, if nothing else.

I started hunting here in Jersey about 8 yrs ago and have been learning more and more every year. I joined this fantastic website (I can't even remember when) to figure out what sort of craft I should get, or whether I should build one. In the end, I bought two, and built one, with the advice of great people on this site. It's also given me the opportunity to get to know some people a little bit better, in person, which only makes my life that much richer for knowing them. I check the new posts daily, give advice only rarely, and share my thoughts when inspired.

This year I look forward to learning more, to see more sights, enjoy the smell of the sun rising up in the morning, and listen to the sound of my knees knocking together in my freezing waders...

Amen bro
Al Hansen here and I live in New Mexico. My first duck hunt was in my home state of Minnesota back in October of 1954. A drake bluewing teal bit the dust that day and the Lord only knows what went through my mind then because as each year passes I become more passionate about duck hunting.

I have been fortunate to have hunted in Minnesota, Alaska, Wisconsin, and now New Mexico. Each place has had its great moments of hunting but if I were to choose a spot, it has to be here in the Land of Enchantment. Who would have thunk that in the middle of a desert you would find duck hunting utopia.

At one time I was all about numbers, fast action, hot shells, etc. Now I sit in my folding chair, with a camera hung carefully on a broken branch next to me, in hopes that I can put down a duck so that I can take pictures of my favorite hunting partner, Chili, retrieving a duck for me. I will have to admit that since it took me 48 years to get my first duck band, I do get a huge thrill out of shooting a banded bird. I am hoping to get #30 this season.

I get an immense kick out of Mother Nature and have been known to set my shotgun down to take multiple pictures of a sunrise regardless if the ducks are flying or not. Seeing an owl, hearing coyotes yipping in the distance, or having a flock of sandhills flying over me raising holy hell with their raucous calls is enough to get me going in the morning. One morning while hunting with another hunter, we heard the scream of a mountain lion. Ever had the hair on the back of your neck stand up?

This year’s hunt will be a milestone because with age I am now becoming known as the bionic man. The recently replaced man-made left knee will, for sure, present some problems. Already my orthopaedic surgeon has told me to change my habits. When he talked about allowing my feet to sink 12 to 15 inches in the Rio Grande (half quick sand/half muck) I have to admit that it made me cringe. I know that I need to change my ways-----HMMM what do they say about old dogs?

Alaska in the 60's.





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I'm Kevin, and live on the west side of Puget Sound now so that my wife Carol and I can be closer to our granddaughter and her son. I started duck hunting in the mid '70's. I was born and raised in NE Louisiana where I started hunting in the swamps of what is now D'Arbonne NWR just out of West Monroe. Did a season or two in the flooded rice fields out of Jones and Merouge. In 1979 I ended up in Richland WA. and fell in love with hunting the Columbia river and not having to stand waist deep in freezing water all morning or bogging down in the mud.

This year I'll be learning new areas here in the state and hope to take that Harlequin for the first time. I saw my first one on that drive in 1979 through Yellowstone park on the way here. I've been carving decoys since about 1993 and now hunt only over my own. Also enjoy building my own canoes and have a sneak boat, but heh, that's what we all do here right?

Last night at the local DU banquet I had donated one of my working decoys for the auction and after the whole event closed down, a member of the local Ruffed Grouse Society came up and approached me about doing a grouse for their event in Feb. So another door may be opening.

Have unted in several states and maybe one day can get over to Great Britain and hunt with Eddie Kershaw. That would be fun.
Have a great season everyone and please stay safe.

And for all you service members on here, thank you for your service to our country.
Bill Vullo, raised in Morris County N.J. learned to duck hunt when I joined the Air Force in 1979 and was stationed in Louisiana. Hunted Catahoula lake and the flooded timber (my favorite) a few years and moved on to Minot ND hunting Devils lake and the pot holes. 20 years in the military has allowed me to pursue my hobby in many different states and countries. Been a member for qiute a while now. Living in Northern Virginia and mostly hunt the Cambridge, Maryland area with a club. I have a Chuck Huff BBSB. I try my hand a carving once in a while and shake my head. Some of you guys make it look like art, I'll keep trying. I had several UKC Champion labs but now I'm dogless. I look forward to duck hunting until I just cant anymore..I'm 50 and plan on going a long time! My 19 year old son has finally been bit with Our Sport, he like the geese better and enjoys coming with me and friends.

To everyone, have a Safe and Successful season. I look forward as I do daily on hearing your stories and hearing of your adventures

Bill V
My name is Frank Miller. I grew up on the Chesapeake Bay and got my additction to duck hunting there. I am in my 33rd year of duck hunting. I make decoys, contest call, paint water color hunting scenes, and have built some duck boats. I also kayak fish and saltwater flyfish, reload, oh and tie flies and trap. LOL I have an understanding wife. I have been on the site a while and love nothing better than to lok at a grreat duck boat. My current fleet has a Go Devil Boat, BBSB, and Kayak. I am looking now for a Carolina Skiff for big water.
Bob Butler,
I found this site about the second season it was up and running. Have met a whole lot of people that are all part of what makes duck hunting special for me. I like the early mornings and the people.
My family has grown and now my kids are getting very close to shooting on their own for Ducks. My oldest is just back from camp where he received his safety certificate and will hunt this fall.
We are working with our lab Scout and look forward to his third year on birds.
I built a Kara when John was born and he will shoot his first duck out of it. We use an Express welded V Jon for getting farther away from the ramps.
I like decoys and have carved a few because of this site. Birds by MLBob and Yukon Mike inspire me.

I am glad to see some new guys here and I sure miss some old ones, some gone, some just moved on. But for my time this is the best place to think and talk ducks and boats on the net.
Erik Mion, south shore of L.I. this is only going to be my 3rd season coming up. Im 17 just bought my first duckboat last fall. Ive been on this site for about a year. I view posts daily, but am more of a lurker. I've been training my CBR and hope she's field ready by the start of this season.

Good luck to everyone,
Dave Morton here , or as my friend Bob B says "Morton" joined this a while back and have net some real nice guys and have been able to share hunts with some of thwm as well , I am a tool and diemaker by trade , but last year we opened Beavertail Rod And Reel servicing rods and reels , bussiness has been greta in the 1 year we have been open and it coninues to grow . Plans for this season is to hunt with my Conn. Friends Scott Farris , "Butler" , i also plan to get out in my kara more that i built a few years back , this group also was a tremendous help while building my Cackler , Kudos to the moderators for keeping us all inline from time to time when things want to go astray.

Dave M
Hi Doug Bowman here, I was born and raised in South Jersey where I started hunting when I was ten.
Just moved to our property in North East Montana back in May and Love it .
I've been a Taxidermist since the mid 80's .
My wife and I breed and hunt with labrador retrievers.

New Taxidermy shop




Montana property




Some of our 9 labs



