Early goose

john townsend

Active member
Got my first limit of early goose.Four into the decoys, one left the decoys reload comeback call. Bagged my limit. Decoying birds get into your brain. John
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What no pictures?!?!?! hehehe
Congrats on the good hunt.... but really I'm having withdrawals, I need pictures guys.

What no pictures?!?!?! hehehe
Congrats on the good hunt.... but really I'm having withdrawals, I need pictures guys.

Tim Ask and you shall receive.
3 bands
I guess my limit is smaller than yours ,but thats the law where I live.Looks like you have an 8 bird limit. I have to stop at 4 this year. Congrats. John
I wasn't trying to up stage you John, I hope you didn't take it that way. TimJ ask to see some pictures, That's all. We have a 10 bird early seasons limit. We are lucky to have 1 or 2 good shoots a year everything has to fall in to place just right. Sat. was perfect.
I know what you mean. Everything has to come together just right. I never have shot all the geese that came in till this hunt. I never killed a goose on this property either. Always something messing up. I even got my dekes picked up before the big wave of birds came , watched them from the truck land. John