Earthquakes, now Hurricane Irene....

It's been raining here all day today(not associated with Irene) and the already saturated ground from last weeks monsoon rains can't hold anymore. If this thing swings in and dumps more rain things won't go well...........
And we are still feeling eathquakes here in VA. I woke up last night when a 4.5 hit and I am some 90 miles from the epicenter. Don't know if additional damage was cased down south from it... so a Hurricane will just be peachy! Guess we will find out how the blinds will fair... better to repair them in September than in December!
I'm supposed to be flying all weekend, but I think I'm going to call off and head home tomorrow. I don't want to leave the wife home alone and I'll probably get stuck somewhere with no way to go home anyway.
We just got the notice a few hours ago we are to be off the islands by 6am friday morning. Looks like I am packing up the dog and girlfriend and going for a sleep over at Mama's house. Hope she stocked the fridge with goodies.
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Just came from a DU meeting. Our chairmen is a State Trooper in Spec Ops. He showed us the state's tidal surge prediction map. Cape May and Atlantic Counties are expected to have a 12' surge. For reference, that would put tidal surge onto the Garden State Parkway. Saturday morning is high tide and the storm is expected to keep the tide in, then surge.

So anyone near the shore should get out while the getting is good.

Chris if that sneakbox is in your garage, and your 2 blocks from the beach, I'd take it with you to "Mama's".

Good luck to all. And God bless!
While everyone on the coast is in my thoughts and prayers during this coming storm, let's also remember our National Guardsmen and women. They not only live here and have to deal with their family and homes but as everyone is heading for safety, they're heading into the line of fire to help those in need.

Stay safe everyone!
Chris if that sneakbox is in your garage, and your 2 blocks from the beach, I'd take it with you to "Mama's".


The sneakbox has to ride out the storm in the garage. I have it lifted about 6ft up off the ground. We are being evacuated from my Mom's. Anyone east of Rt. 9 has to leave. We are heading to my girlfriends parents house. Its to far to trailer the sneakbox there. There isn't a place to keep it there. I am hopeful that it will fair well in the garage. The way the house and garage sit and face its the best way it can be. I am hoping for the best.
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Chris, make sure it is tied off with a couple lines of various lengths and tied to various locations. If you can run a line out the garage and up to a tie-off that you are confident is above a flood level if the garage washes out, the boat may still be near by, put your name and address in/on the box to so it might be returned if washed out.... sharpie written on the deck real bold. You can remove it with laquer thinner and paint it when the storm has passed.
I did tie it off and left about 12ft of rope so I figure that for the water to get in there there would need to be 5ft of water in the street cuz the house and garage sit up high. With the news report that could very well happen. All I can do is hope for the best. So I hope she is safe. I feel that's the best I can do. Thanks for all the advice. Hope every is safe.
Chris where are you heading? If you're passing near Miiville on your way out of dodge, you can bring your boat here. I can make room for it in the garage. I would really hate to see you lose it or it get busted up, with all the work you put into it and it so close to season. Call me if you want. 856-265-3780

Looking like a big bucket of wind and rain up here, but nothing like the predictions for the Outer Banks to southern New England. And I'm way inland and on top of a pretty good hill.

You guys stay safe down there.
Kevin I thank you so much for the offer but we have left the island we had to be out by 6am all I can do is hope thanks again that's really nice of you
Kevin I thank you so much for the offer but we have left the island we had to be out by 6am all I can do is hope thanks again that's really nice of you


Boats are replacable. Lots of other things are not . . . .
Jeff, where abouts in Maine? My grand-father just moved to Lincoln a couple years ago. Most retirees head South, he did the complete opposite. I've been wanting to come up for a visit in the winter and a do a sea duck hunt, especially eiders. Just need to find a decent priced outfitter.

I'm down in Manchester, near Augusta.

Lincoln is a long way from the seaducks, but there is some fabulous puddle duck and diver hunting on the Penobscot River. Check out Google Earth just downstream from Lincoln. Lots of ducks around all of those islands. It is a spectacular river. Some great smallmouth fishing in the river, too, so it's a really nice cast and blast float. Just be careful if you accidentally hook an Atlantic salmon--run of over 3,000 fish this year, but you can't fish for them on purpose and need to release them unharmed if you hook one.

All of the islands and the river bottom constitute the Penobscot Indian Reservation, so you need to get a tribal permit if you want to avoid a conflict with the tribal wardens.
Jeff thanks that sounds great. My plan was to stay on the coast to hunt a couple days, then visit for a few days.
This one does not look like it is going to be fun for us here on the sandbar (Cape Cod). My sneakbox is in the garage and should be fine. My 13 foot whaler was pulled out yesterday and my 45 foot sportfish is being pulled today or tomorrow morning. All outside furniture etc at the house has been brought in and plenty of gas for the generator. Even after all this, I am praying that the storm heads out to sea or weakens before it gets here..

Hope everyone weathers the storm just fine!

Jim O'Brien
I thought about my labor of love getting beat to death in the garage on the island. I couldn't take it anymore so I made a mad dash back home and loaded her up and got her out. I feel a lot better now. Also I snaped a picture of the house across street from me. They boarded up all the windows. The hardware store and all the other stores on the main road were boarded up aswell. I hope everyone stays safe. Good luck weathering the storm.
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Glad you got the boat Chris - keep safe.

We spent the day shopping and getting ready. We have had the track within 20 miles of us for the past 24 hours, mostly within 5 miles of the house, not a good feeling, I've learned.