East Coast/Florida Hunting Help

Matt Masters

Active member
Next year I am planning on hunting the East Coast trying to collect the following species (Common Eider, all three Scoters, Longtails, Red Breasted and Common Merganser, Black Duck, Brant and maybe a Tundra Swan). I will want to collect a pair of each species. I am willing to pay guide fees but I know I won't be able to collect all with one guide. I was wondering if anyone along the East Coast and Northern States would be willing to help me on this?? I'm not asking for freebies, I just don't want to book a 3 day trip and only shoot just a couple of species. I will be driving and will have 2 weeks to travel. Any recommendations on guides for certain species?

If I am able I would also like to hunt Florida to collect a nice pair of Bluewings and Mottle ducks, if I could get both tree ducks also that would be even better. Any help anyone would be willing to help or give advice is greatly appreciated. I would really like to hunt with individuals rather than guides just my preference. If anyone would be willing to take me on a hunt I would definitely appreciate and cover expenses. Thanks in advance.
I am guessing that you know that for what you want to collect, you'll need to book at least two seperate trip.

One to North Carolina would probably get you the swans and scoters, probably mergansers too.

A Northeast trip will get you a shot at the eiders, oldsquaw, black ducks and brant (and scoters).

Tall order for one season but if you have the time & patience, I am willing to bet you can make it happen, especially with the great group of guys we have here. Good luck!
Next year I am planning on hunting the East Coast trying to collect the following species (Common Eider, all three Scoters, Longtails, Red Breasted and Common Merganser, Black Duck, Brant and maybe a Tundra Swan). I will want to collect a pair of each species. I am willing to pay guide fees but I know I won't be able to collect all with one guide. I was wondering if anyone along the East Coast and Northern States would be willing to help me on this?? I'm not asking for freebies, I just don't want to book a 3 day trip and only shoot just a couple of species. I will be driving and will have 2 weeks to travel. Any recommendations on guides for certain species?

If I am able I would also like to hunt Florida to collect a nice pair of Bluewings and Mottle ducks, if I could get both tree ducks also that would be even better. Any help anyone would be willing to help or give advice is greatly appreciated. I would really like to hunt with individuals rather than guides just my preference. If anyone would be willing to take me on a hunt I would definitely appreciate and cover expenses. Thanks in advance.

Matt, my gut says that 2 weeks wouldn't guarentee it, but be close. Here are my thoughts and I'm sure lots of folks would have a different opinion. Eider and all three scoter and squaks would probably not come from the same quide/place. All three scoter probably could, but proabbly not both eider AND oldsquaw. I've shot drakes of all 5 of those birds in one day before, but you can't count on it. ME/MA/RI Eider would be one guide, maybe get some scoter there too. Rest of scoter would probably be another (MD? Chesapeake bay?). Olsquaw could be taken either place. Black duck and brant are natural combos - NJ. The mergs pose a real problem in my eyes, since you run the real risk of people saying "no problem we see tons of those things". Being able to produce them on a specific day is real different than "seeing tons of the fucking things", as people will say.

When you thinking, as in what month?
I am guessing that you know that for what you want to collect, you'll need to book at least two seperate trip.

One to North Carolina would probably get you the swans and scoters, probably mergansers too.

A Northeast trip will get you a shot at the eiders, oldsquaw, black ducks and brant (and scoters).

Tall order for one season but if you have the time & patience, I am willing to bet you can make it happen, especially with the great group of guys we have here. Good luck!

I am taking a 2 full weeks to travel so I'm hoping I can cover most of it if not all during that time. If I don't get everything I want oh well..that's what the following season is for.

I know my taxidermist is going to love it when I get back so I'm trying to save as much as far as the traveling and guide fees as possible with hopes of hunting with some of the members of this forum.

Rising Sun Outfitters in Maine can fulfill some of your requests but unlikely most at one time. October/November all three Scoters could be had and December/January can yield Eider and Old Squaw. Maybe a late November hunt could get you Eider and Scoters??

Give Ernie a call and tell him I sent you. I am sure he can tell you better about times of the year for certain species and if it works out great if nothing else a good guy to get a gauge on things. I believe he is $350 a day. 207-461-4611
I am wanting to do the trip in January so I get mature fully plumed birds. Like I said I would love to collect a drake and hen of each specie for my collection but if not then I understand. That's why its called hunting instead of killing and I appreciate that saying more than most.
Mottled ducks and teal are a snap down here (famous last words). I'd be willing. Let's see how it goes this year. Central Florida guys can put you on all 4 in one hunt.




Wow, I would love to do that trip! One of these days......

Have fun.
If you want to "freelance", read up the www.myfwc.com on the STA's & TM Goodwin.

These are permitted type hunts that also offer great "walk-in" opportunities.

All you need is a yak & you'll be able to access these areas & probably do very well!!!

When my clients schedule a trophy hunt for the Florida 5:


I recommend a (3) three day trip.

If you decide to go the guide route, just be aware that we have many unlicensed outfits down here in Florida due to no state guiding requirements from FWC.

Who ever you choose, please make sure thast they have their

1) USCG Capt's license
3) Liability Insurance

If they don't have all (3) three, move one to someone else.

Good Luck!!!
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I was hoping to get to hunt Florida this year but things just didn't go as planned. Just a little background on myself. I am what some would consider a young waterfowler but I am very avid about the sport. I am one of the few in my area that will specie hunt. If I want to go kill Goldeneyes I will go kill Goldeneyes. I have been chasing hard after a Black Duck this season but just haven't connected. I am wanting to collect all 32 huntable species by the age of 30 (I will be 27 this May). I have been blessed to harvest 20 of those 32 right here in my home town. Like I previously stated I am not wanting freebies, I will cover gas and food etc. if someone on this board will be willing to take me on a hunt for a day or two. I know a guide will have better success rates than an individual but I am wanting certain species and I will be going on this trip by myself. I have talked to guides in the past and if I book a hunt with 4-6 other hunters and all they want to do is shoot one specie then I could get stuck with just that. I am wanting variety and trophies. If someone was willing to take me on a hunt say for Brant, I would shoot just Brant they can have all the other shots unless they said I could take some of those shots. Plus if someone was willing to take me and they are as avid about the sport as I am than I know the hunt will be worth it no matter what. Also If I shoot it it either gets eaten or put in the trophy room, I use to save the gizzards and livers from birds I cleaned for fishing in the summer but I haven't been fishing like I use to in 4 years.