East Coast Hunting Destination ???

JS McKinney

Active member
It has been a slow disappointing season, and I am already dreaming of next year. Would like to plan a duck hunting trip for next season. A place that is within reasonable driving distance from central NJ (6-8 hours). What are your guys opinions on the best destinations along the East Coast (Maryland, Maine ???)? Are their guides / lodges that you would recommend?
That's funny.....I dream of hunting New Jersey and you are looking to go elsewhere.

I've hunted the Barnegat Bay and Absecon area a few times and I really enjoyed it.
That's funny.....I dream of hunting New Jersey and you are looking to go elsewhere.

I've hunted the Barnegat Bay and Absecon area a few times and I really enjoyed it.

It has just been a slow season, and I wanted to see what else was around. Barnegat has been mostly blacks, buffies, and brant. Hopefully it picks up the last month. The chatter has been slow on local forums. It seems like the west coast guys are starting to see birds.
I gunned out of Absecon a few years ago and couldn't believe the amount of birds there compared to what we get anymore.
My friends just came back from there last week and they had a great shoot.

I guess the grass is always greener somewhere else. lol.
Well the migra.of canada geese have been coming down to delaware for the past 3-days,finally .My hunt'g buddy and I did a 4-hr scouting trip today and found snow geese filling farm fields of over 200 acreas in several diffrent fields and the same for the canadian geese,Buttttt as for the ducks nothing great yet, on the refruge only saw afew hundred duck in mixed species mostly pinny's mallard black ducks and buffies.so something is still amiss.As for the salt ponds saw some singles ,pair and tripples fly around here and there,looked like blacks and mallards.
James, I know what you mean. I would love to do a flooded timber hunt just to experience something different for a change. All in all I really love hunting here in NJ. But sometimes a change of pace is in order. I would do a thorough search on the internet and then after narrowing things down a bit re-post this message.................Kevin
I have done plenty of searches and have ideas of places I would like to hunt. I was just trying to get some general discussion going on the topic. People travel from across the US to Brant hunt in NJ and we take it for granted. What are the other "hot spots" on the Eastern Seaboard? Penobscot Bay for eider is on my short list.
JS, if your interested in sea ducks. take a look at the massachusetts coast. it has alot to offer. ive hunted maine several times so if you would like to talk about that, feel free to PM me. best, mark