i guess i dont have to ask if there is enough ice for smelt fishing
Finch, I haven't been smelting yet, and the spot I scouted last weekend (see post below) is a popular smelting spot and no shacks were out as of last Sunday. That said, I bet at least some of the commercial outfits that rent shacks on Merrymeeting Bay are opened. A few of those guys even put some of their shacks on floats and run walkways out to them. Try calling the various camps--a map and contact info can be accessed here: http://www.maine.gov/dmr/recreational/smeltcamps/index.htm
[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Forgive my ignorance but how do ice fish for smelt?[/font]
Usually with a great deal of alcohol, a bunch of food (franks and beans are popular), and a roaring woodstove to overheat the shack.
Late in the evening the fumes in the shack get thick enough to anesthetize any fish swimming near the surface, and they can be scooped up with a fine mesh dip net.