Eddie's Amber

Goodluck nice pup start right in on it with the training . I once read somewere that the great field trial man Cotton Pershell did not start traing his dogs till they were 2 years old . Man he must of blew the pea right out of his whistel I am curently on my 3rd and 4th and all I want out of my dogs are to be quit in the blind and whenever I shoot something they go and fetch it .My departed Virgil was the best my second with him I trained every day all thru his puppyhood and I always took him with me wereever I went even to work a few times when I had to stay over for snowduty . What I found out with Virgil and the others is the use of live birds pigeons and ducks with Virgil it was all live birds every day I bought three ducks at the auction he must of retrieved them each a hundred times or better never hurt a fether on them , When I released the ducks before winter set in they lived for many years aftwer . Virg hunted right up till his final year I toook him along but I would not let him retrieve by this time Tazz was serving his apprentice ship . O ne day we were rigged out on the big Delaware right across from philly Ithink Tazz was in his rooky year well it was a bluebird day and the only birds that came in were the buffys well I shot one and let it drift a bit . I proccede to handel Taz on his first retrieve and Virg was comanded to stay while I got out of the boat to handel tazz. WellVirg was pitching a real hissy fit while Tazz was doing a great job on his first retrieve as he brought the buffy to hand Virg stopped his tantrum and as we approached the boat he had a weird look on his face here he had his leg cocked and having a good piss all over my Binelli talk about spitefull I guess old Virg would not accept his retirement . GOOD LUCK
Very cute pup. Good luck with her. If you are lacking in the training materials, check out Smartworks by Evan Graham. Really good manuals/videos.
Eddie congrats on the new pup, she is definitely a keeper. Just dont let the wife spoil her too much.
I will be 64years old this year and I have trained a few dogs in my life time, the last dog I trained was a dog called Drakeshead viv, she was the Gr Gr Grandaugter of a dog called DrakesHead Breeze, Breeze was the only Gundog In british history to win the gundog championships 3 times running 1985- 1986- 1987. I lost her last July and she was 11 years old I have now got Drakeshead Usha ( Amber) and she is coming up to 7 weeks old.
Over hear in the UK we train our dogs a lot different to what you guys train yours over there, we do not use E collers and tend to put more enfecies on the OB training, and we dont rush to get them out shooting. Amber will be getting Ob training as from now and it will carry on for the next 9 months and then she will start her gundog training and that could take another 9-12 months, only then is she ready for the field, but by that time, boy are they a joy
to take out and that bond has been built between you, also mate thanks for the congrats.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Thanks Al
She will be a rare jewel, her pedigree is mainly all RED with champions and Feildtriel winners and with the right training she will be that jewel, but most of all like chillie is your jewel Amber will be mine.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Thanks Jim
The best DVD,s and vidio,s are the Drakeshead one,s they are made by John Halsted, He is captain to the England gundog team, and he also owns the Drakeshead Kennels but thanks all the same Im not short of training aquipment, I have aquired a bit over the years Mate.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Thanks for the concrats nobody is going to spoil this little girl, Im lucky in the respect that only the wife and myself live in the house now and the kids are grown up and gone and got familys of there own, and the wife is not dog minded so it just going to be me and Amber with no spoiling what so ever.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
ahhh come on Eddie,,,, no forbidden snacks for the pup? where is your cold heart? HAHA!!

Sometimes I carry a bit of jerky in a small zip lock, a small dime size piece seems to spoil them enough..
As pups I dont believe in spoiling them with snacks espeshly when it comes to retrieving, what you will find is the pup wont bring the dummy to hand and it will drop it short of you to get snacks, but once the dog has been trained and we are out on the marsh then I will share my food with it.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Build ing that Bond.

I never use snack as rewards in training (bad news that is), but when sitting out on the deck, or around a camp fire on a starry night, they just might get a snack. I never feed table scraps or let them beg but the occasional piece of jerky ( is that a table snack?)..

I was mostly ribbing you a bit....and I was correct..."[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]once the dog has been trained and we are out on the marsh then I will share my food with it"..

I know you was only ribbing me mate and I think we both share the same views on the subject, Im sorry if it came over to you the wrong way, sometimes I find it hard to exspress myself.
Take care and god Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.

here is a link to your man.


I remember reading about the Halstead's and their dogs in an import copy of one of your keeper magazines. Looked like quite a nice line of dogs. Great to see one for real. I am sure you two will have a great time with your pup.
Quite a few folks on this side of the pond are being influenced by the British style of training and dog lines. Not the serious field trial guys mind you, but many hunting folks are paying attention.
I love the idea of your line tests where the dogs work the field together and have to honor each other silently or are out. Not many here could do that without a good bit of practice at it.

But I still love watching a dog launch off on a 200 to 300 yard field mark.

Both styles have their place.

Keep the puppy pictures coming.

Thanks for the link, if you play the 2009 retriever championship clip you will see Sandra Halsted being interviewed, sandra is the lady who breed Amber and towards the end of the clip there is a man and a woman being interviewed, the man is sandra,s son, He also has is own kennels and is on the England Gundog team. Amber is my second Drakeshead dog, Meg being the first and let me tell you mate you will not get a better dog, their temperment and working abilites are second to none. John Halstead has 2 vidio,s out on the retriever training, from puppy untill 12 months and the Advanced training and this guy certainly knows what he is doing , he,s trained so many champions and he a nice guy to talk too. Thanks again mate I enjoyed that vidio clip.
Take and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.