End of season check up

Don Shearer

Active member

It is that time of the year again. Time to take the pup in to make sure she made it through the season without any damage and will be ready for next year. Even though I am sure Madison was very thorough we will still go see our vet who has finished vet school. Ever since Madison started talking she said she is going to be either a vet or an animal rescuer. One of the nice things about living in a small town with a vet school is she gets to tour the school two to three times a year to keep her interest in her dream.

One of the things I don't imagine they teach in vet school is placing the bed pan on the head of your patient. Some skills you cannot teach they just come natural.


The ears look good.


My best,

That's great! Do we need to set up an "Ask Madison" thread? I bet she'd have lots of good advice.


I wouldn't say Aspen enjoys her exams. She tolerates them well, but she doesn't enjoy them.

At this point Madison's advice would be the same every time. "Don't let your dog get to cold, make sure your dog has a toy, and give them a milkbone."

My best,

and both Buddy and Mike were quick to agree, particularly on the "dogbone" part.....

Mike, who loves to be "examined" was half way to the car so he could come to Madison's Clinic till he got a look at those two "scissory-pliery thingies" and asked what they were for...Buddy told him tat if he visited Madison she'd "tutor" him and then grinned......Mike, who we call "Opie" on occassion since he can be quite "not brite" is now waiting by the door and waiting for the snow to stop falling in the passes so he can start the journey......Mr. Buddy, seems to be having trouble wiping the smirk off of his face.....


Madison can fit Mike and Buddy in for a check up during upland season '08. She thinks it will take 3 or 4 days. How about late October?

a check up a little earlier than our opener....like sometime in Sept....on the way too Montana....he's heard that without the proper checkouts that retrieving Shaprtails and Huns can cause health problems....wants to know what Dr. Madison thinks about that....


Let Madison know that Pete needs a checkup too around the middle of Sept, I think, but he is flexible.

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Tod you and Pete are welcome anytime. Madison is going to have to start figuring out a fee structure. I think it would be based on lolli pops and stuffed animals.

My best,
