ESPN Duck Trek comes to Illinois...

Great article Pat!

Well, that and the fact that he doesn't watch TV.

"You get that box out of your life, you have a lot of time," he said.

I didn't know that...and I agree 100%. Not only does it take up time, but to me it kills the creative focus.

Wow Pat,
that was a very nice write up and caught me off guard. I gave up the TV a time back and cant believe how much time I have gained.

But if they had well written stories like that one more often they might just get a customer back. Good Job showing them the family history that is so thick in your tree.

The good part about the ducks not showing up is that you wont have to put up a road block for the trailers from Alabama.

I let my son read the article to give him a little more of the big picture.
I really enjoyed the story Pat. Also enjoyed the Photo gallery of your shop and you carving.