Evening hunt?

Anyone ever try going out mid morning and then staying intill sunset as compared to getting up at 0 dark thirty and being ready to hunt at sunrise. I am wondering if we would have had better luck waiting and watching and finding an area the birds like and then setting up but we usaully don't stay intill sunset.
Shoot the roost? I sometimes hunt till the last minute but do it in more open water so birds hit late are easier to find.
I only know how the hunting is around here,
but a lot of the time hunting in the after noon is better then the morning shot.

I spend just as much time scouting has I do hunting.
I have noticed that on clubs most of the time, they leave the blind by 9am or 10am. and as the season moves on the best shooting is later and later.
but I would never miss the morning, it's purity hard to pass up on............... because when it's good, nothing can beet it.

I would try not to shoot the roost on geese but ducks all over it.
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I hunt about the same amount of evenings as mornings. I like mornings better, but the evenings are easier after work and all. Also, an evening spot doesn't neccesarily mean roost. I have seen thousands of mallards pour into corn fields just before dark, while we pick up decoys.
Usually I hunt the mornings. We pick up after all the other hunters leave. We usally have shooting then.

The best hunting I have had in the afternoon ,a friend had a roost a couple hundred yards behind his house. We did not hunt the roost but got pass shooting as the birds returned to the roost. There seemed to be about fifty Mallard's and two hundred wood ducks using it. We did this for several years after work until some one deepen a ditch and drained the roost. A good dog in that kind of situation is important. Scouting for that kind of a place would be worth while.
Spot I like to hunt is best for duck later in the morning after everything thaws. Birds like to come in an feed in the mud flats on the fresh greens. They can't do it at first light when everything is frozen.

Tight Lines ... Fred