Ever have this happen to you ????


Well-known member
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I get a call from a guy, he says, (I hear you like ducks, and carving, and stuff like dat). I of course said, "Why yes, yes I do". He says, " My dad died last year and left a bunch of stuff laying around". "You want it"?

I said "sure, why not". He says "come up Nort and get it den or I'm just gonna burn it".

SOooooooo, I did. This is from trip #1, I had to go back and fill the truck up the next day with the same, if not a little more.
What the heck is all that stuff?!

I see some duck bodies and heads, but what are all the other things? Are there some bodies for flying duck dekes or something?

Good deal for you!

I want to be invited to your yard sale... it would be worth the drive from VA! Please post up more detailed pictures once you start the inventory!


In the pile there are, Ducks (divers & Dabblers) Geese, swans, loons, pelicans, herons, shorebirds, eagles, owls, flying geese & loon half bodies, pike spearing fish decoys,a giant king salmon, seals, whales, penguins,and 4- 4 ft. tall Santas. and blocks and blocks and blocks of cedar.

The guy was from New Jersey. All the decoy bodies, are hollowed. His son also gave me all his dads patterns.

Apparently he loved carving, but wasn't big on painting. Looks like a good haul.

Andy, like most of us, he was probably more into tinkering around than actually finishing something.

and 4- 4 ft. tall Santas

Confidence decoys for a reindeer hunt?

Sweet haul!

Holy crap! That'll get one kid through college. That is such a perfect thing for you and your guys B, lots of half finished projects to do up. Score!

Great Find, looks like Christmas gifts for everyone on the forum, but lets keep it a secret

Bill V
I see some duck bodies and heads, but what are all the other things? Are there some bodies for flying duck dekes or something?

It looks to me like they were carved with a duplicating lathe. That bump coming out of the brest is just where the head of tail of the lathe was connected. It just needs to be cut off.
