Ever kick a guy out of your group because he's too cheap?

What a great question. I guess it depends upon the equipment owners current financial situation.

Like you, I am the one in my group of friends who has the hunting (and ice fishing) gear. I am fortunate that at the moment I am in a financial spot to afford it and don?t need to get help from my buddies. My buddies are also financially able to chip in which they do. I know that if I ever needed help to make repairs on equipment or was in a spot financially I would get the help needed. Right now I don?t need that help and while the cost to keep on with these pursuits can add up, I?m happy to take it on.

With that said. While the financial part isn?t the problem, the problem for me used to be the time required to do these activities. For instance. I am leaving today to go hunting at our cabin. I learned last night that a couple of buddies were able to sneak away for. Work for an overnight hunt. Easy for them as they just show up. Not so for me. I have batteries to charge, fill up a gas tank after buying some 2 stroke oil which I am out of, a couple of decoys to repair, clear out the boat so we can hunt three, bring down an extra seat from the attic, find a third life jacket, pack up and everything else one does to go hunting. We all know how long this list is.

Guess I?m rambling. I fully understand what you are saying. Like Dave McCann and others have said, make your concerns clear and known. Maybe your hunting buddy has no idea the stress this puts on you. I bet if he knows, he would help out more. Personally I wouldn?t expect any hunting partner to have to chip in to maintain equipment that was mine but I would expect them to pick up dinner or after hunting drinks or whatever. Costs can be shared in any ways.

Great question. I am sorry you are in this situation.

It's hard for me to believe that any adult of any financial background has not learned about how to properly pull their own weight. And if finances are tight, then there are other ways to contribute, if not reciprocate. If someone is quirky about money (like when the bill comes and everyone kicks in for their cheeseburger and your buddy puts in less because it was a HAMburger) , you can forgive that. But what you are describing is a taker who is costing you the enjoyment of your hunt if not your sanity, and it will get worse.
Personally I would say something to him like "I just want to let you know that I won't have room for you this week, I'm a little tight on cash and I have another guy who offered to fill my tank, but I'll touch base in a few weeks." Then don't.....if he calls you, hopefully it will be with a few bucks to kick in and you can put it behind you by saying "thanks for kicking in man, it means a lot, I can't swing it alone."