Extra stuff for the boat

Capt Rich Geminski

Well-known member
What other gear do you guys keep in the boat. I have a ammo can with extra decoy line, screw driver, hammer etc. Added the compass after reading a few posts. Usually don't shoot open water, but may happen this year.
Thinking about a HH VHF.
Toilet paper in a coffee can.

Tools, oil, ratchet strap, shears, rope, water, candy bar, spare box of ammo, batteries, first aid kit
I carry an extra dry box with supplies:
Small tool kit with extra spark plug. Extra Pull-start rope.
Couple cans of sardines/kipper snacks/vienner's. and chocolate.
Sealed accessory packs from MREs, they have TP and matches in them.
duct tape, zip-ties, extra drain plug, toilet paper, bailer(bleach bottle with bottom cut out), lines, lots of lines, extra fuel hose w/t fittings, lighter, little LED flashlight, cell phone in a ziplock bag in a dry box.
I have a milk crate with a padded plywood top that has zip ties and an extra old prop. Both these items I have been in need of in the past and not had available. Something in a can to eat or chocolate + dog treats. If I add up all the flashlites I have with me it is usually 3 or 4. Extra line, Extra PFD, TP, piss can, machette, compass of course and usually two gps units. Range finder (depending on location and distance rules but usually this can be done with the gps), binoculars, chemical hand warmers. goggles that go over my glasses for running any distance in below freezing weather.
Don't forget the spare prop and prop wrench along with cotter pin, thrust washer and bushing in case you loose it all or drop it in the water.
In addition to the other tools and spare parts already listed, don't forget the spark plug wrench, spare pull rope for starting motor, heater, single burner stove and enough fuel for 3 days, frying pan, knife, fork and spices.
I will always bring 2 fully charged hh vhf radios and one that has a spare full clip of AA batteries packed in a zip lock bag. Search light, EPIRB, personal ACR strobe / flash light, small canvas tarp, beside the old bleach bottle a hand bilge pump, 2 anchors with plenty of rode. I also have a small float with loops on both ends to use as a mooring float so when I run out and come back I just clip into the anchor that is already set.
And don't forget the dog.
Many of the items above, plus a pile of those crappy brass sheer pins for my little Tohatsu! Just ordered a set of 5 stainless steel ones.

Items I use a lot: portable LED running lights, spare batteries, leatherman, sheer pins; extra shells; bailer. Items I've never had to use, and I'm glad: matches, lighter, emergency food, emergency flares, fire extinguisher, throwable floatation aid.

Items I've never used but should have: foghorn/whistle, spare set of dry clothes in a dry bag.

Item I really wish I had one time: ramrod/cleaning rod. Had a dud shell leave me with a stuck wad on my first shot on a morning with an epic first-light flight of ducks. I was in the marsh in a no motor zone a solid half mile from the nearest stick . . . . . .

Good reminder to check the expiration date on my flares and fire extinguisher.
When i used to run a skeet league at my sportsmans club alot of people reloaded there own shells. They also forgot powder and shot often. One way they would clear the wad was to put a sharpie in the barrel and bouce it off the wad until it popped out
All good stuff, one trick is to carry some of the 12 ga. flares designed for a flare gun. Note to all, they work just fine in a 12 ga. shotgun. The other stop leak that made the forum a while back is to carry a wax ring sold to seal toilets to the floor. Not had to use either one but they seem like good ideas
One of the most important items!!! Take electric tap and rap extra "SHEAR PINS" to your outboard motor. You do not what to be sitting in open water with a broken shear pin. Makes for a long way home. The other is your Cell Phone to get help !!!!!!!!
Happy Holidays & Hunt Smart, Dave D.
I have a full insulated jump suit, thick socks, stocking cap, and wool gloves tightly rolled up and vacuum packed in a plastic bag. I am the largest guy in the gang I hunt with so the jump suit is my size. A few years back we were idling into a secluded place to beach the boat and one of the guys that was with us jumped up on the bow just before we hit a submerged stump no one saw. The boat stopped instantly and he went flying over the bow into the water. We got him up on the bank and into those dry clothes in a matter of about 2 minutes...and he got chilled but warmed up quickly and enough to stay the rest of the hunt.
Replacement for every switch on the boat and engine, oil and hydraulic fluid, duct tape, electrical tape, 5-minute epoxy, zip ties, change of clothes for everyone, space blankets, fire starter, 25mm flare kit, plb, sos strobe, hand held flares, 3 flashlights, whistle, 6 life jackets, 2 throwables, first aid kit with medications, 2 hand held vhf radios, sat phone, two paddles, two push poles, 2 HP Honda portable outboard, spare fuel, cyalume sticks, leatherman, various tools, spare gun, spare kill switch inserts, spare drain plugs (one on a tether at the transom), spare fuel filters (primary and secondary) spare air filter and cover, tow rope, two anchors, various lines and small cordage, water activated strobes on children's life jackets and ditch bag, winch, Hand held gps (x2), spare batteries, 2 fire extinguishers cell phone charger.

Will be adding a tarp and a bailing scoop! Great ideas!
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Its a 2066, but you'd be surprised how little space that stuff can be packed into. Granted, the ditch bag has to sit out in the deck (it should anyhow), but the rest is stowed in two 24" storage boxes and under the foredeck overhang.