travis bruce
Active member
lately we've been getting ice & snow... a lot more than usual for memphis. Long ago I decided a winter storm that doesnt have a catchy name sucked, so I have been naming every winter storm like the tv weathermen do. I caught some flack from White Death 06, apprently it has racial contetations. Recently, during our self proclaimed Winter Apocolysp 07 (pronounced ought seven), we decided just naming storms wasnt enough. We've all seen the movies, where people are snowed or iced in, be it thru another disaster (plane crash) or poor planing, and they eat all the food and are soon starving. next thing they do is resort to cannablism. Hey, its an ugly fact people will eat people to survive. I decided our workplace needed an extreme winter weather plan... the ideal to eat someone (ergo, a certain coworker) to survive needs to be made logically, without emotion. Obviously, if your starving, emotion is gonna cloud your judgement. In just a few minutes discussion with one of my buds, we came up with a plan who we'd eat. The guy is young (Im thinking old people would be tough), slow (easy to catch), and could be distracted with a cell phone to knock him in the head. hes hetrosexual (not that there is anything wrong with gays, but who wants to add risk factors to their canabilism that arent nessessary?), and we really think not to many people would blame us when it comes down to us or him.
When you go back to work monday, look around. Theres a coworker, you know you could eat to survive. Maybe, he or she even NEEDS killin, so your actually coming out ahead on the deal. Its my own personal goal, that every workplace has a cannablism action plan in place, so the right desescions can be made, for the worst possible situations. travis
When you go back to work monday, look around. Theres a coworker, you know you could eat to survive. Maybe, he or she even NEEDS killin, so your actually coming out ahead on the deal. Its my own personal goal, that every workplace has a cannablism action plan in place, so the right desescions can be made, for the worst possible situations. travis