F a duck

OK Fellas.
I did not mean to offend anyone.
It is a sculpture form the Marlborough Gallery here in NYC. By a world famous and no-contovercial artist, Botero. His art is displayed in the world greatest classic and non-contemprary Museums. Think Met, Louvre....
In my opinion in is not explicit considering the barrage of images we are forced to see every day.
If the moderator deems it over the top I have no problem with him removing it.
I thought I would add a little culture to our group with a little duck related humor.
Not looking to offend anyone.
Have a great weekend.
Follow up.
I did some research on the piece and it is an homage to greek mythology

Those familiar with Greek mythology may recognize the story of Leda and the Swan. Zeus came down to Leda in the form of a swan, after which she bore the famous Helen of Troy and Polydeuces.

David, I was not offended, but I'm hard to offend. I see how others may have been.

The recent movie "The Black Swan" was an adaptation of the Leda and the Swan myth, which is also the basis for a famous opera.
Yes, by all means, let's get back to less offensive and contovesial subjects, like assaulting climate scientists, inferring the the President is: (insert slur here). Complaining about this or that issue being driven by radical environmentalists who are co-opting Government agency A, B, C, or D!
It was more the title of the post. But hey I'm not the PC police!

But it is Obamas fault. And Bush too.
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I concur on the humor on this art work. As long as it is legitimate art displayed in a museum, I see not reason to pull it. Just think what the creator would think of the old cruddy blocks of wood that were shot at a hundred years ago that are now deemed as folk art. All in the eye of the beholder but still legitimate art by all accounts and therefore appropriate.

While I'm not offended by the art itself, if you really wanted to add some culture, I think you missed the mark with your title.


While I'm not offended by the art itself, if you really wanted to add some culture, I think you missed the mark with your title.


What is wrong with "F"ine "A"rt "Duck"?
Leda and the swan--Sheesh, don't you all like ART, much less recalling your Agean mythology?
IMO, the piece is rather static. Perhaps it is the smoothness of the surface, BUT, i have seen much better renditions in paint.
At least she wasn't being boinked by a decoy!!!
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