Fast and chaotic morning!

I hope all is well with the duck boat folks out there!A day off work for my son and I yesterday at Cheyenne Bottoms with snow,wind and cold made for some fast action.Limited out at 8:48.Keeping shells in the gun and spent hulls freezing in the chamber were the only problems.I have not hunted there since the late 80?s.Still an amazing place.View attachment 5FC30E50-70CD-43E9-A91B-39C4C19AD28C.jpegView attachment 8B91294A-D299-49CD-B2F5-6CC9C1BFE2EA.jpegView attachment DB41285B-20B4-458E-ADE7-87EBB35F4B5F.jpegView attachment 7E3D7CF6-E1D4-445A-A2FA-411AF727F26E.jpeg
Looks like mostly gaddies & wigeon??

I'm so jealous of y'all posting these images of cold weather, we hit 92 yesterday here in Tampa!
good pics. looks like you guys have made a great memory for a wonderful hunt. thanks for sharing!
Yes, this weather front has been interesting in its impacts on bird movement. Hunted some side bays off Bay de Noc for two days; forty degrees and wind driven rain. Combination of redheads on the open water side and GW teal and mallards on the marsh side of the set. Love the sound of wind in the wings of working redheads! Saturday was drier with less wind but the birds still were trying to find spots to settle-in from their previous migration locations. Added a couple of ringnecks to the redhead diver bag and a mallard/black hybrid along with a real mallard. Geese appear to be largely gone, even though the season runs to Dec.16th this year in Region 1. It has been a goose heavy bag over the first half of the season here. Heavy wet snows on Sunday into Monday that froze-up hard overnight have locked things down for a couple of days until the thaw is completed. All of 19F this morning. Hearing reports of bufflehead and merganser concentrations which means the end is drawing close. We have had a record 19" of snow YTD, a marked departure from the last half-decade. Time to switch to ruffed grouse when the snow on the trees is burned-off this afternoon.
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Looks like a great time for both of y'all. It makes the appearance of a great season coming south too.
Phil,I do not know if it is the last wooden decked boat.It is wooden decked.I believe it is #25 but can?t remember for sure.I bought it from Tom who lives in Virginia last spring.
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Tom,I certainly am enjoying the boat.It is all and more than I expected.When I remove the motor for the motor less areas I am very pleased with the way it rows and poles.I intentionally took it out on big reservoirs this summer in some high winds and large waves to get comfortable with it.Very impressed.My son who is on the smaller side like myself can hunt out of it with me like we did Monday.Although I wouldn't want to do that often.
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Looks like a fantastic hunt, great job you guys! Cheyenne Bottoms seems like a really cool place, I was looking at a map the other day, are all those concrete blinds still there? Do you have to hunt from a blind or can you freelance wherever you want? Sure looks cozy under that dodger, a great place to be in the rain or snow!
I was the guy that stopped to admire your boat when you were packing up at the boat ramp Clinton. Beautiful boat, and not something I get to see every day in Kansas. It was certainly a good day to be in the marsh.