Field hunters for Geese need a lil advice

My buddy & I are building 2 more plywood gunning coffins for late season hunting when the geeses get hedgerow shy. We have 2 already. Layout blinds are effective but I don't feel like dealing with wet muddy layout blinds between hunts.

You can build a gunning coffin out of one sheet of plywood. I favor plain burlap over grassing.

As many others have said stick with your layout. Though it may be less comfortable and more time for you to get up to shoot it will still be easier for you shooting them out of a layout than a haybail blind because they will be so much closer.

There are to many times that even the layout blinds stick out to much, I cant image a misplaced ball of hay out there. Good luck!
Dear Dave- I've gotten into field hunting this past few seasons and have learned a few things. First-comfort is king in a layout blind. I picked mine by going to cabela's and trying them all out. I've also picked up a back rest from Rodgers that is killer. Makes the recline much more comfy and the sitting up a lot easier. The reason is that it is stiff and has an ergonmic curve to the lower half to support the lower back. Outside of that, adding vegitation from the field we hunt in works in just about any situation I've seen. Good luck!
Your email address doesn't work for me. We don't seem to connect for some reason? the hay bale is still available.
Another big guy that doesn't like layouts.

Have you looked into making your own willow/corn blind? I don't have any pictures of our current set up but we often hunt out of an old piece of wooden snow fence with willows and/or corn weaved through it. Sometimes all we do is wrap that printed burlap around it and throw ground cover up around it. It usually takes three stakes (about 5ft long) pounded in to the ground a foot or so to keep it standing in an oval shape for two guys and a dog.

Our birds aren't as weary up north, but I like it WAY better then the bale blind.
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Hey, I found a picture. Nothing special about it at all...


Last year, trying to avoid layouts, I put alot of effort into building blinds in mid field using pallets but in late season there was no doubt that guys in abutting fields using layouts did better.