Finally got out and went for a walk

Good for you Gary! I thought about how you were doing the other day and said a prayer for you. Keep your chin up and know that God has a plan for you!

There is a mess of geese out on the lake right now! Think any of 'em are newbies?!!! I saw a few high flying flocks of mallards the other day too!
Gary, I do not know you personally other than through this wonderful site. I have always admired your pictures, boats, and lifestyle, and the fact that you spend so much time hunting alone and enjoy that. I also enjoy hunting alone adn I also hope to be much like you one day.

I have been away from the site for a couple of weeks dealing with family issues adn now that things I have settled and improved, I have realized what has happened in your family. I am deeply sorry for your loss and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. January 4 is my wifes birthday, and I can not imagine the depth of your pain. I do know that time seems to heal or at least lessen the intense pain we feel. It also helps to surround onesself with family, friends, and things that bring us joy.

It is good to see that you are getting outside and experiencing the things you enjoy. It always excites me to see when you have posted so I can enjoy your wonderful pictures and anytime I see one of your waterfowl articles, I am anxious to read it.

Take good care of yourself and take your time. I am sure that everyone looks forward to your wonderful posts and it very apparent that you have many friends here on this site as shown by many wonderful posts you have recieved.
I think you need to work on putting together a picture book show casing all your beautiful photos. Chapter 1-Waterfowl, Chapter 2-Other wildlife, Chapter 3-Scenery, Chapter 4-Hunting photos. Put me down for one when you do!
I'm glad to see you getting back out and about with family. I always enjoy your posts and look forward to seeing them again. Thanks for posting and God bless you and your family!
I am in Seattle right now visiting my daughter's family. I am awestruck by the beauty of this state and I have only seen one small part of it. Your pictures cause me to want to see all of it. I pray you continue to heal and enjoy your family.
