First black duck

greg setter

Well-known member
I took a friends son hunting with me today because he had all 4 of his sons and their boat, while big, is a little small for 5. Now not only was this Matthew's first black duck, it was his first duck too and today was his twelfth birthday. He made a great shot(one) on this duck.

View attachment matthews' first duck copy.jpg

Here is a "back at the shack" photo. And there is a nice pile of fresh oysters at our feet too!

View attachment more of matthew's duck copy.jpg

If you are an Northeast puddle ducker or salt marsh hunter, there's a good chance this was your first duck too. I remember mine. It was a redlegger on a beaver pond in Maine.
Great job Greg helping a youngster connect...........what a way to spend your 12th !

I saw a guy scratching about a 1/2 basket of oysters today on my way out........ that's real food.

Looks like a nice camp you have there.

Congrats to the young fella on his first duck, a nice black duck to boot. That kid is never going to forget his 12th birthday. Thanks in part to you taking him hunting today! Way to go.

My first duck was a black duck as well.
What a wonderful thing to have happened. Congrats to that young man and on his birthday, yet! Greg, thanks for this post. It is heartwarming.
Good stuff. Looks like he is trying to play it cool and not smile too big. I'm sure that hunt made for a pretty special birthday.
Congrats to Matthew on his first duck and a Black Duck at that.

And good for you Greg for taking him out with you.
that is awesome. A first and a Black at that! What a start to a hunting career. Nice work on getting him on the X. I am sure he will be telling that story at school on Monday.

Fantastic!! congrats!!! That was also my daughters first duck 3 years ago, at age 8.

