First Goose

Rob Crowley

New member
Brought out my younger brother today for the afternoon hunt and despite the nice weather we had a good amount of success. Not more the 15 min after we got setup we had a line of geese fly right at us and my brother managed to drop one. Soon after we had a pair of blackducks try and set in and we each got one. After that we had blackducks sittin in the spread all afternoon till a small bird came buzzin down the creek and tried to set in the dekes so i shot and what i thought was a hen hoodie turned out to be a hen goldeneye. Which was pretty cool since it was the first one i ever shot and i shot it in a spot where it is very unlikely to shoot one since the water at low tide is no deeper then 1ft deep. After a short lull in the action we heard a bunch of wings whistling over us when i looked up we had ten pintails locked up from behind us and right as i blew the whistle and all ten turned and were locked up but on the far decoys of to the right which was tough to shoot over so i let my brother have at the one drake that stayed in the middle of the dekes but he missed. Even though it ended his trip on a sour note by missing his first pintail he was still happy about shooting his first goose and seeing a good show of birds out in the bay [inline]