flies it dies,brown its down

anthony m coons sr

Well-known member
How many stories did you ever hear start with the term (back in the day). When I was a young boy and I started hunting. All my friends wanted to do was, shoot as many birds and kill as many deer as they could.
As many ducks as you can put in the boat was our battle cry. If it flies it dies ,if its brown its down. Tee shirts were with these same words. It didn't take me long to know this wasn't the way to go. Was it my fault the ducks were not flying as good, Or because I didn't see as many big deer. I really thought that I played a roll in the drop of the duck population. I started reading any book about ducks that I could, every magazine, and I learned my friends and I did lots of dumb stuff (BACK IN THE DAY). But progress did lots more damage then any dumb kid.
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I think we mostly start like that...In fact, I seem to remember them teaching it in Hunters Safety when I was a kid. You go from wanting to simply pull the trigger a lot, be it at ducks or coots or doves or squirrels, to getting bloody and wanting that limit of ducks or punched out deer tag, to wanting a nice bag of Greenheads or "more desireable" ducks, to preferring to hunt over your own decoys or with a classic double or over your dog that you trained,...

Thanks for taking the time to write. Bag limits were as many ducks as you could put in a bag. Not proud of it. But I was a jack wagon of a kid back then. Over the years I have spent hundreds of hours given back to the wetlands and the ducks. Putting out thousands of wild rice plants sago pond weed duck potatoes, etc. Running clubs duck clubs for more then thirty five years, Having members building mallard nest wood duck boxes. . I'm very proud of the way I turned out.
