Foam/epoxy boat

Bill Gass

Active member
What does everyone think of using epoxy over construction foam to make a small layout type boat?

Here is the link:

Right now I have a coleman crawdad which we used last year to get around the duck marsh, this year I'd like to move up to a 12 foot aluminum just for more comfort and carrying capacity as we have to travel some distance by water to get to where we hunt.

Bill G.
I built one two years ago and it was "easy", but not as cheap as expected due to my location on the planet. If you can get foam for less than $10 a sheet and epoxy UPS Ground shipped then they are dirt cheap to build. However, the "Hybrid" shown on the DIY site is cheaper and stronger.

The boata are easy to use, but not very tough. The guy that "leased" it from me last season dragged it behind his ATV and tore a big hole in the bottom. He thought it was as tough as his old john boat back in LA. He wants to buy it and repair it. His next duty station will be in the midwest and the boat will be perfect for the shallow marshes there.

The beauty of it is that you can carve it up to any shape you like and then glass it over. They won't sink no matter how many holes you poke into them. But they will weigh in nearly the same as a plain fiberglass boat like a MoMarsh.

My posting on the Refuge is still up in the Boats/blinds forum. There are also several other foamers on there if you search foam layouts or foam marsh boats.