follow up to my old post

Chris S.

Well-known member
As some of you may remember I posted a while back about how my girlfriend thought I was crazy and addicted to duck hunting. She said all I talk about is duck this and gun and boat that and what made it worse was I was rebuilding my sneakbox at the time. So I asked how some of you guys deal with it and got a good response from some of you guys.

Well christmas day was also my 30th birthday. That's why I was named "Christian". So christmas morning comes around and my mother comes over and we do our gifts and eat breakfast and my girlfriend says I think you have one more presant for your birthday and goes to the livingroom closet and pulles out a LONG box and hands it to me and I open it and it was a brand new mossberg waterfowl 930 autoloader in max 4 camo. Needless to say I was all smiles. Took the new gun out yesterday and shot a greenhead as my first bird with the new gun. I really have to hand it to her she did awesome. What more can you ask for. It was a great Christmas/birthday. Hope everyone had a great one aswell.
You're a lucky man! And great re-build on your boat too! Enjoy and take care of both of them :)

Safe Season's
Well, Chris, now that she has shown her hand and what she is capable of doing, what are you going to be doing? Good luck and make wise choices! By the way, the script to your story was a dead ringer to Ralphie and The Christmas Story. "[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]my girlfriend says I think you have one more presant for your birthday and goes to the livingroom closet and pulles out a LONG box and hands it to me"----You are a lucky young man, Chris.[/font]
thanks guys and Al good thing I didn't shoot my eye out. In time we will be getting married. I knew she was the one long before this awesome story. It just goes to show me that I picked a winner.
It just goes to show me that I picked a winner.


If it makes you feel good, you just keep thinking that. Truth is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they pick us!!

PS. I keep telling her she did a dang fine job of it too!
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thats awsome man !! same thing for me but my parents an gf got me the new browning maxus. needless to say i dropped some geese an buffies with it an love it !
Because of this story Chris, I am now looking for a new girlfriend. I'm hoping to find one who is partial to Browning or Berrettas but any gun gifter will do. Please don't mention the new girlfriend to my wife.
