For Al Hansen

Guys .......Al was scheduled to have a knee replaced, I think today........ and while he may be ticked at me for asking.........let's all send him our best for a speedy recovery so he can keep up with his pack and keep the great images coming !!!
Al - Here's wishing you a complete success with the new knee !

Well, what a nice surprise. Thanks so much Sarge. Fellas, reading well wishes can't help but make a person feel better! Thank you all so much. Our neighbor, Jose', drove my truck along with Bev up to the hospital in Albuquerque. I don't think that I can fit in Bev's Camry. I think I will try it however and see if I can sit in it.
I had one of the best ducktors in the world working on my left knee. When he visited me in the hospital the following morning, Saturday, he said that it (operation) was a huge success. He told me that now the arthritis will be gone and that once rehab is over I will get back to sleeping well at night. i also had a wonderful Physical Therapist. When I left he told me that I was already three days ahead of schedule. That made me feel good. My Constant Passive Motion machine is up to 75% today for my knee bends.
It sure was good to get into the house and smell a beef roast in the crock pot. Grins from ear to ear.
I just counted the staples and have 46 of them that closed the incision. Being on pain pills is nice but it sure is difficult to write an email or post something on this web page.
Once again, to all of you, thank you so much for your well wishes.


I took these shots on the morning prior to my operation. I didn't want to miss anything.





Great to hear your doing well Al! Best of luck with the rehab and if you get tired of those pain pills send them down to me with one of your pigeons:) Take it easy buddy!! Jake