Forest and Stream

Worth Mathewson

Active member
For those interested, here is some more about Forest and Stream. There is an excellent podcast devoted to the magazine. It can be found at Forest and Stream org. You also might be interested in the opinion that Bryon Muche, host of the podcast, is regarding the new Field & Stream claiming the magazine was founded in 1871. The following is an email I got from Mr. Muche on this situation:
"Good afternoon Worth, Thank you for taking the time to write to us, informing us of your concerns relating the inaccurate statements of Field & Stream regarding the origination date of its publication. Convoluted? Inaccurate? It is not our business to understand the motivations of the "decision makers" holding office "of the current" Field & Stream, sadly we see their oversight is a demonstration of disregard for history and legacy.
Likely, Field & Stream has already made significant investment in the theory of celebrating the 1871 branding in marketing, advertising campaigns and commercial merchandising of products. Perhaps leadership finds this date elevates their image or provides a position of prominence by suggesting that they predate other brands, or are among the originating outdoor brands.
Sadly their exuberance to plant a flag in the timeline of history is an act in detriment to core branding hallmarks that most company's hold dear, these being qualities of genuineness, authenticity, and integrity. Values we all should admire and want to exemplify, while drawing a desire of connectivity as consumers to a brand and its products.
Worth, perhaps Field & Stream has information beyond that which you, I and documented history identify as factual? We are careful to negatively comment on brands forwarding a positive image and influencing favorable public opinion of the outdoor lifestyle. It is disappointing to see an important brand of our outdoor history to seemingly desperately claim more than what is truthful or accurate.
Thank you for your numerous and significant contributions, for sharing your outdoor experiences and igniting a flame, wetting a thirst, and encouraging respectful outdoor pursuit in fellow sportsmen and women."
As I mentioned, Mr. Muche's podcast is very well done, and contains important history of early outdoor sports.