FREE Sash Weights

Selling our Farm in NH and giving away extra stuff. Do I need to post this in the classified? Free window sash weights, got about 30 or so, mostly long ones. Have no idea what my post count is or how to find out so if you could lead me in the correct direction that would help.
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Your post count is 16. Not sure where Eric and chuck stand on giving away free stuff with less then 30 post. I would PM them and see. Either way its nice to be giving the weights away.
I'll let it slide...they are free, and if you were in my neck of the woods, I'd just delete the post and take them all...hehe

Say Bob, your profile says USSA ski know Doug Haney?

Well I know lots of Doug's that ski coach... the last name just not sure. I've been coaching since 1977 first at Pats Peak in Henniker NH, New England College Head Coach Div I, Keene State Head Coach Div I, ......been at Mt. Sunapee for the last 24yrs coaching the older kids. Done lots of "camps" and i'm now coaching kids of my former athletes.

I'm a builder but my wifes a farmer & teacher......been messing around with duck boats since I can remember....grew up in Fairfield Ct. and hunted the sound nearby there.... Not much of a poster here but I'm always lurking around learning / reinforcing stuff I know and/or want to get better at. Cold molding is on my mind for a boat I'm working on....
Yes I have a bunch of them. Just have plenty for my needs. I'll try to post a picture tonight with sizes and a count. Heavy but the best things l have ever found for muddy bottoms. If you can figure out how to get them to your location I'll send them along.
Well I have tried and the pictures are to big to load for my old computer.... got a mess of 5# x14", some 4# x11" and 6# 16" I'll keep trying to post pic's.

Also I have had good luck shortening them with a cutoff wheel in my grinder or whacking them in a large vise with 5# hammer so I guess I could hook you up with some shorter ones....

May be headed to Ct next week to visit.... could drop some there for pickup.
I am headed to a funeral this week or next not sure yet. I will be headed that way in the next couple of weeks. Fairfield is final.
When you determine the date and your route would you mind messaging me i will glady meet you.
Thanks Chris Finch