Free to a Good Home: Rain


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Staff member
Just come get it.
And as a bonus, a couple billion mosquitoes. ALL FREE.

Drought last summer & fall and now this year, it won't stop raining!
We are at 50" for the year with 4 months to go.
Cant go outside for more than 5 minutes without the need for a blood transfusion because of all the skeeters.

Sorry, needed to vent.
Anyone having any luck with early teal and honkers???
boy am I glad Im not down there, around here if there is one skeeter with in a mile it will find me!

Blakes heading out tomorrow morning for the early youth hunt! Hopefully Ill be posting up some pictures tomorrow this time!!
Hey Carl,

Up here in the desert we can use all the rain we can get!

Tight Lines ... Fred
No thanks on the skeeters Carl. You can keep down there in Mobile. Rain too as we have had enough rain this year. Rare as we normally get too little or too much.

Only trouble weather wise is that a cold front came through just before the dove opener and a lot of the mourners hauled tail away from here but at least no hurricanes so far.

I like Deep Woods Off and Cutters repellants for those big assed jumbo skeeters. Only trouble is deet seems to be rough on gun stock finishes.

Hope you don't get bit too much and don't forget to get a flu shot,