Front decoy racks finished, figure heads installed. Done!

Dave Diefenderfer

Well-known member
Have been working out how to install the front decoy racks. Like the rear racks I want them to be removable, and have as little mounting hardware to clutter the decks.


The front board begs for some sort of decoration? Maybe a pair of decoy heads in profile or a 1/2 sized decoy in profile? The boards is 14" wide, 5" high in the center and 6" at the outboard edges.



The L brackets and the eyehooks are mounted to the front board, as it will store easily. The mahogany blocks with the brass receivers will stay on the foredeck, along with the thimbles in the rear.


The thimbles serve dual purpose. They deflect the anchor line around the decoy boards, and also serve as the rear mounting point.


The thimbles have a threaded insert in the flat side, the brass knob screws into the receiver to secure the decoy boards.

I need to do some hand sanding, and also make a couple mahogany wedges to mount behind the knobs to compensate for the camber of the foredeck. Once they are built and fitted it will be time to mix up some epoxy to mount the thimbles and front mount blocks. Some paint will follow later this Summer, when I have a couple more projects ready for the paint.

Spent a good portion of the long weekend working on a motorcycle with my son.... it sat for awhile and apparently the gaskets have dried out.... replaced all the fuel distribution o-rings (4 carbs), but now we have leaks from the float bowl gaskets....of coarse, they are not in stock, and can only be ordered in full carb sets, so need to spend $26 for each set x 4 to get the 4 gaskets we need! Would have been cheaper for my Harley than for his honda!

Oh well.... next boat project is to refurbish a 30 year old Kalash Layout!

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Dave, nice pics and some neat ways to attach the racks. Maybe the duckboat logo burned into the front board?
Are the thimbles made of mahogany too? How are the thimbles attached to the deck? Are they screwed into a support block inside the boat or are they just epoxied on?
Trying to decide whether to add front racks to my Don Warren.
I was thinking of keeping my box as wood free as possible and was toying with the idea of using Azex/pvc lumber to replace my rear racks and the blocks they presently attach to. I am unsure whether the azex/pvc lumber will hold the FME I just received from Lou.
Best - Paul
The front racks look awesome. I really like the hardware and the way you have the anchor line set up good thoughts and ideas.

The aztek will hold the paint i used aztek to do my dodger coaming like dave did and it holds the paint well. I sanded it and it took the paint well also if using it for the racks i would wanna sand it anyway to get rid of the glossy look it has i was thinking of using the aztek to replace my cockpit coaming as the current coaming is not as high as i would like
Paul, the thimbles will be epoxied and screwed. There is a deck beam i can reach with both. Just one screw plus the epoxy, but the force against them will be mostly lateral, as long as I don't use them as handles or something dumb. The thimbles are mahogany and ipe, just what I had on hand. The Azex deck material or a similar, solid plastic would work too. As Chris commented, the azek takes the FME very well. I used cedar for the racks, as I had it, and it was light weight. The Azek trim board is light but dents easy and breaks easy, while the Azek deck boards are rugged, they are also heavy. Use what works for you! I used the trim board, glued up into a panel, and then reshaped to become my daggerboard trunk plug. I did not want anything that might swell, and the fact that it is softer, gave me some thought that perhaps in a ice freezing action would give some? The trunk is made from the Azek deck material, interlocked and screwed with 5200 seal. Should not move, or leak!

Thats a lovely job you have done on those decoy racks and a good bit of thinking on how to mount them, you have now saved my head from getting a mygrain when it comes time and I decide to fit them. Thanks for posting the pictures mate.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its al about Building that Bond.
Eddie, I am sure your's will layout better than mine did as nothing is plumb and true on this old box. I thought I had the light, handle, and bow eye all on the same line. I measured across the decks at multiple locations and found the best fit line through the points and then positioned the chocks and cleats from there. The front board shows I am off. The ducks won't know, but I do!

Looking forward to seeing your build. Based on the effort you put into your shop, the boat will be something to see!

Dont worry about the ducks taking measurements, if they do the will get crosseyed and thats to your advantage mate HeHeHe and it still looks like a great job.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond
Hello Dave. That is very pretty work. I love the way the thimbles will tie in the trailing arms so that they are supported against lateral forces.

The front board does sort of cry out for a neat picture/emblem of some type on it.....

John Bourbon
Chris, it is a BBSB (Barnegat Bay Sneakbox) Search my name, and you will see lots of pictures of the rebuild over the past 2 years. Bought it Valentine's day 2009 in New Eygpt, NJ.
Finished, except for any decoration I might do on the front. Got some canvasback and brant heads from Rufus. Leaning toward the cans... but will ned to get them painted. I'm no carver/painter!







Put a fork in them, they are done! Autumn Wings heads, $8 each painted. Sliced them on the band saw and then trued them on the belt sander.



Nice might not be a carver but your a painter,,,,,lookin good, you have a nice ride for this season.

Lovely job Dave
now thats how too personalise your BBSB, now would you mind sending it over to the UK for me to try it out HeHeHe and Im not promising you will get it back mate.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.

Nice might not be a carver but your a painter,,,,,lookin good, you have a nice ride for this season.

Phil, can't take credit on the painting! These came painted fro Autumn Wings.... A steal at $8 each painted!